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最全信息 山西教师资格证 网 山西教师资格:初中英语“动词(时态、语态)”综合练习题 (一) 通过 山西教师招聘网 可以了解到 2016 年山西教师资格证考试最新动态,一般山西 教师资格证考试在每年下半年举行, 9 月份网上报名, 11 月份笔试,幼儿园笔试内容 为综合素质、保教知识与能力,小学笔试内容为综合素质、教育教学知识与能力,中 学笔试内容为综合素质、教育知识与能力、学科知识。面试以试讲、答辩等形式考 察, 山西教师考试网 整理了 山西教师招聘真题 供考生备考学习。 ( D ) 1. I _______ much of the passage, but I dont find it interesting. A. read B. have been read C. am reading D. have already read ( A ) 2. As soon as she _______ the work, she will set out for Nanjing. A. finishes B. am finishing C. finished D. will finish ( A ) 3. Since then, we _______ a letter from the Blacks. A. have never got B. did not get C. will not get D. dont get ( A ) 4. We are looking forward to _______ you both soon. A. meeting B. meet C. met D. meets ( C ) 5. The professor _______ in that chemistry lab at that time. A. is B. are C. was D. were ( C ) 6. They _______ many photos with their foreigners last week. 山西中公教师考试网祝您备考成功!点击查看 山西教师资格真题 最全信息 山西教师资格证 网 A. taken B. was taken C. took D. take ( A ) 7. We _______ supper at six yesterday evening. A. had B. are having C. have D. were having ( B ) 8. The earth _______ round the sun. A. turn B. turns C. is turning D. turned ( C ) 9. How soon _______ you _______? In two days. A. do you arrive B. going to arrive C. will arrive D. are arrive ( A ) 10. By the end of last term, we _______1,500 English words. A. had learned B. have learned C. learned D. were learned 山西中公教育 更多内容,一起来看看 山西特岗教师真题 是如何设置的! 中公教育 山西特岗招聘 与辅导专家提醒您,备考有计划,才能在山西招教考试大战中 拔得头筹!


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