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1.Why Why I choose the paper? 1.Why About membrane A review Water Research Timely Why I choose the paper? 1.Why Why the authors write the paper? 1.Why 1. the necessity of RO integrity monitoring Water reuse Risk management Virus removal RO RO integrity monitoring 2. overviewing RO integrity monitoring techniques 3.highlighting the needs and potential avenues for additional research in this area. Why the authors write the paper? 2.What Five key steps of a monitoring scheme 1. the validation goal 2. surrogate or indicator 3. the secondary risks of using surrogate 4. detection method 5. Assessment and comparison LRV 2.What Direct integrity test Pressure- Marker- Indirect integrity test Conductivity TOC Sulfate 2.What 2.What Indicators naturally present Spiked indicators Modified virus and direct virus Potentially new 3. How 1. Introduction 2. Risk management in water reuse 3. Virus removal in water reuse 4. Current RO monitoring techniques 5. Potential virus surrogates /indicators for RO operational monitoring 6. Discussion 7. Future research opportunities 前言 主题 结尾 4. Comments 1. Be innovative 2. Read a large quantity of literature 3. Analyze and summarize 4. Determine the main line 5.Polish language 5.Problems 1.阅读零基础 2.专业词汇太多 3.内容多,重心被分散 4.具体技术理解不深 5.英文文献阅读量比较少 THANK YOU 请老师同学批评指正!


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