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高三Unit1---Unit16词组测试与归纳(一) 字母A至P ㈠ Choose the proper phrase from the box to fill in the blank. add up apart from appeal ( to) apply to apply for as a consequence (of ) as a matter of fact as a whole as follows at length attend to 1. the cost, it will take a lot of time. 2. We must consider these matters , not one by one 3. I will the job today 4. 6,7 and 8 and youll get 21. 5. , I quite like the job. 6. We should theory practice. 7. If you go out, who will the baby? 8. He succeeded . 9. My reasons are . 10. She worked hard at her lessons and got high marks. 11. The government everyone to save water. ㈡ Choose the proper phrase from the box to fill in the blank. badly off break out bring up burst into sth care for centre on/ upon in charge of close up come to an end come to light concentrate on take… into consideration 1. A fire near here yesterday. 2. They were so moved that they tears 3. She doesnt skating 4. He by my aunt. 5. I am . this department 6. At that time, the family were . 7. The supermarket at 9:00 pm 8. The truth has . 9. Her novels the problem of the youth. 10. All good things must 11. We must the cost when we are choosing a hotel. 12. You must what you are doing. ㈢ Choose the proper phrase from the box to fill in the blank. drop out (of ) due to do up experiment with fall behind feed on fix sth on/ upon sb fit in (with) get across get hold of go for hand in hand have an eye for hold back 1. They walked away 2. What point are you trying to ? 3. His illness was overwork 4. They the team


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