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高三复习高一英语单词拼写练习 unit 1 1. Do you love ________ (徒步旅行) or traveling by bike ? 2. The reader have a good ________ (评价) of his latest novel. 3. Tom’s father loves ________ (古典的) music. 4. I am ______ (喜爱) of sports. 5. What a great ___________ (挑战) 6. His h ________ face showed that he told the truth. 7. She is a l________ wife all these years. 8. He lit the m_________ and the whole room became bright. 9. She looked at herself in the m______ and found herself older. 10. The d_________ wife lived a hard life after her husband left her. 11. We should teacher the children to learn to _______ (分享), not to enjoy by themselves. 12. All the children listened to his ________ (冒险) with eager attention. 13. As soon as they reached the fishing area, the fisher men _________(撒) their nets into the sea. 14. When they heard that the president was murdered, they were all in deep _______ (悲伤). 15. The president made a ________(演讲) to the college students when he was on a visit to China. 16.He b_______ went into the hunting house to save the baby trapped there. 17.Poke is very h_________. He told the truth of the accident. 18.The man climbed the mountain by r________ in the dark. 19.Keep your kids safe by keeping ________ (枪)out of their hands. 20.It’s always difficult being in a foreign country, e____ when you know little about the language. Unit 2 It’s said that Australia became i_______ of Britain on the 1st of January , 1901. Joe and Nancy are not visitors here. They are both n_____ of the city . Can you think of a s_________ where “doing it alone” might be more important than teamwork. Greece is a_______(欧洲) country with a very long history. At least 30 unknown diseases have appeared ___________ (在全世界范围内)since 1970. 6. Let’s leave ______ (立即) after breakfast. 7. Would you please _______ (发音)the words clearly and pay attention to the _______ (发音) of each word you learn. 8. Please _____ (重复) what you said. I didn’t hear clearly. 9. He has a ______ (广博的) knowledge of an


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