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有关于儿童英语故事短文 英语故事教学不仅能有效地学习英语知识,亦能有效地培养学生的思维能力。本文是,希望对大家有帮助! [en]In the Warring State Period 战国 , there was a girl in the State of Qi called Han E 韩娥 who sang beautifully. 在战国时期,有一位歌声撩人的少女,名曰韩娥。 Once when she was passing through the State of Qi she had to sing to earn money to buy food. 有一次韩娥路过齐国时,以唱歌卖艺来挣钱,以此为生。 When she left Qi the echoes of her songs clung to the beams of the houses there for three days before people realized that she had left. 当她离开齐国时,她的歌声仍在房屋的梁木间萦绕,直到三日之后,人们才意识到韩娥已经离开了。 This idiom is used to describe unforgettably beautifull singing. 这个成语就形容歌声的美丽与令人难忘。 杯弓蛇影 In Jin Dynasty there was a man named Yue Guang who was fond of drinking alcohol. 晋朝有个叫乐yuè广的人,爱喝酒。 One day, he invited a friend to his house to drink together. 一天,他邀请朋友到家里来对斟对饮。 Suddenly, his friend saw the reflection of a snack swimming in the goblet. 忽然,朋友看见酒杯里有条蛇影在游动。 He got so much frightened that he took ill on bed after getting home. 他受了惊吓,回去便一病不起。 And neither any doctor or any medicine could cure his illness. 请医服药,都无起色。 Yue Guang came to see him and asked about the cause of his disease. 乐广跑来看他,问明起病的缘由。 When he got to know the cause, he pulled his friend from the bed immediately and took him to his house. 乐广听后一把拉起朋友往家走。 Yue Guang made his friend sit where he used to, pouring a goblet of alcohol for him, and asked him, Is there any snake reflection in the goblet? 他让朋友坐在原处,斟满酒问:“有蛇影吗?” There was still a snake reflection in the goblet! Yue casually took away the bow hanging on the wall. 杯子里还有“蛇影”!乐广随手取下墙上的弓。 This time, the snake reflection disappeared. 这次,“蛇影”不见了! So it was the bow reflection that was in the goblet! His friend at once got well from his illness. “杯子里原来是弓影呀!”朋友的病情顿时好了! During the Han dynasty 汉朝, 206BC—220AD, there was a man whose name was Yi Zong 义纵. Because of the special kindness of the mother of the emperor, Yi Zong was made amagistrate in one


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