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国庆节的英语作文优秀范文 优秀的国庆节英语范文 During the National Day holiday, father, mother and I went to the Yellow River three gorges and tourism royal residence. We will talk about the Yellow River in the three gorges for first! Huang Hechang 5464 km, cathay Pacific ship, we sat on the visit of the three gorges project, the Yellow River three gorges first valley called lone. The valley is like a man wearing a small hat, holding a book in his hand. Solitary in the three gorges and many grotesque mountains: some call the rhinoceros full moon, some YuHe called the Yellow River, some banana hill, some call cui screen peak, there are mountain peaks think we took a boat, very realistic. Next, were visiting is eight in the gorge, gorge also includes several mountains in eight: nine lotus lamp, and a mountain called frowning. The third canyon, that is, the last Long Fengxia. Start to 16:00 us on a tour of the Yellow River in the three gorges, already 7:30, royal residence here at night is a real beauty! The next morning, our tour group come to the front door of the royal show. After watching the show, we enter the phase mansion. To know is the royal residence, qing kangxi dynasty wenyuan chamber, pound, emperor kangxi of the teacher, the kangxi dictionary always read officer, names of this generations former residence. Is rare in Chinas residential group of official of Ming and qing dynasties, the inner and outer urban, xishan courtyard, ziyun Qian, etc. This place makes me know the origin of the royal residence, also learned knowledge. This years National Day long vacation is so meaningful, I am very happy. Looking forward to the next outing. 在国庆节放假期间,我和爸爸、妈妈一起来到黄河三峡和皇城相府旅游。我们就先来说说黄河三峡吧! 黄河长5464千米,出国留学网坐上国泰号游船,游览黄河三峡的第一道峡谷叫孤三峡。这个峡谷像一个人戴着一顶小帽子,手里捧着一本书。孤三峡还有许多奇形怪状的山:有的叫犀牛望月,有的叫黄河玉河,有的叫芭蕉山,有的叫翠屏峰,还有的山峰想我们坐的游船,逼真极了。接下来,我们游览的就是八里峡,八里峡也包括几坐山:有九灯莲花山,还有的山叫望夫台。第三道峡谷,也就是最后一个龙凤峡。我们游览完黄河三峡 ,16:00时出发到达皇城相府已经19:30了,这里的夜景可真美啊!


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