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PAGE 南京苏港雪尔孚公司员工关系管理研究 摘 要 摘要:对于企业来说,人力资源管理和配置的核心就是处理好公司与员工、员工与员工间的矛盾问题,是企业管理者需要思考的重点问题,也是为企业员工营造和谐办公环境的必要途径。本文以南京苏港雪尔孚信息科技有限公司作为案例展开分析,探究企业员工关系现状,分析在员工关系管理过程中存在的问题。基于相关理论基础,对员工关系管理的原则和内容进行阐述,最终得出以下几点建议:健全企业内部沟通体系、推行合伙制奖惩并用、行政通道和技术通道并行、重塑企业文化建设、建立服务与支持平台。通过对以上对策的优化和完善,将企业员工关系管理转变为动态化过程的管理,根据企业发展现状与未来发展规划,高效利用人类志愿,使员工进步与企业战略目标相符合,从而于拉近公司和员工、员工内部之间的关系,使公司盈利提升。 关键词 员工关系管理 职业生涯规划 激励机制 毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要 Title Research on employee relationship management of Nanjing Sugang xueerfu company Abstract For enterprises, employee relations is the key to human resource management and configuration of enterprises, to deal with the contradictions between enterprises and employees, employees and employees, is the key issues that managers need to think about, but also the necessary way for enterprise employees to create a harmonious office environment. In this paper, Nanjing Sugang Sherfu Information Technology Co., Ltd. as a case to carry out the case, to explore the current situation of enterprise employee relations, analysis in the process of employee relations management problems. Based on the relevant theoretical basis, the significance and value of employee relationship management are expounded, and the following suggestions are drawn: Improve the internal communication system of the enterprise, promote the combination of rewards and punishments of partnership system, parallel administrative channels and technical channels, reshape the construction of corporate culture, and establish a service and support platform. Through the optimization and improvement of the above countermeasures, the management of enterprise employee relations into the management of dynamic process, according to the current situation of enterprise development and future development planning, efficient use of human volunteers, so that the progress of employees and enterprise strategic objectives in line with, so as to close the distance between enterprises and employees, improve the economic efficiency


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