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生活幽默英语故事阅读 生活幽默英语故事:戒除烟瘾 Health is not valued till sickness comes. 生病才知健康好。 A defendant in a lawsuit involving large sum of money was talking to his lawyer. 一个被告卷入了一桩牵涉大笔资金的诉讼案,他去找他的律师。 A:If I lose this case, Ill be ruined. 如果我输了这场官司,我就完了。 B:Its in the judges hand now. 这事掌握在法官的手上。 A:Would it help if I sent the judge a box of cigars? 如果我给法官送一箱雪茄,会不会起点作用? B:Oh.no !This judge is a stickler for ethical behavior.A turu like that would prejudice him against you. He might even hald you in contempt of coun. in fact.you shouldnt even smile ai the judge. 哦.不会的!这位法官很固执,非常注意职业道德。这种花招只会让他对你产生偏见,他甚至会认为你蔑视法庭。事实上,你甚至都不用对他微笑。 With in the course of time,the judge wndered a decision in favor of the defendant.As the defendanL leR the counhouae, 最后,法官作了一个有利于被告的判决,当被告离开法院时。 A:Thanks for the tip about the cigars.It worked. 谢谢你关于雪茄的忠告,这很多管用。 B:Im sure we wodd have lost the caae if youd sent them. 如果你送了的话,我肯定休会输掉这场官司。 A:But did send them. 但是我的确送了。 B:What? You did?! 什么?你送了?! A:Yes.Thats how we won the case. 对,这就是我们会赢这场官司的原因。 B:I dont understand 我不明白。 A:Its easy.I sent the cigars to the judge,but enclosed the plaintiffs business card. 这很简单,我把雪茄送到了{去官那里,但是附上了原告的一张名片。 生活幽默英语故事:个人理财 A silvedess mon goes fast ihrough the market. 身上无钱,市场疾行 There once was a rich man who was near deeth. He wru very grieved because he had worked so hard for his numey. So he began to pray Lhat he rmght he ahle to take some of his weakh with him. 曾经有一个富人快要死了,他租伤心,因为为了钱他才拼命工作,他想把钱带着一起上天堂,因此他开始祈祷恳求他能随身带一些财产. A:Sorry,but you cart take your wealth with you. 对不起.你不能带走财产。 B:Could you speakto Cod to see if he might hend the rules? 你跟上帝说说情吧,看能否网开一面? Then he continue to pray his wealth could follow him,and the angel reappears. 他继续祈祷能带上财产,天使又出现了。 A:The Cod has decided to allow you to take one suitcase with yourself. 上帝允许你随身带一个手提箱。 Overjoyed.the man gaLhers his


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