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海伦凯勒英文自我评价 A blind man has lost one-third of his chances of success; a deaf person loses one-third of his chances; a mute will lose one-third of his chances of success. If, a blind and deaf and dumb people, he left many successful chances? The answer is cruel. But, it is such a set of deaf blind blind man in one, created this ordinary people think can not happen miracle. She is Helen Keller. Helen Keller autobiography describes in detail the Helen a step by step from the dark world to the bright difficult course, this is a course of what ah? Full of countless bitterness, difficulties and setbacks, but also how much courage and perseverance to face, how much patience to adhere to ah! And she did, and won the attention of the world. When the tragic fate of her staged, she was brutally pushed into the endless darkness. This, for any one person, can not be said to be a fatal blow. I am afraid that most people in this catastrophe, will choose to give up, give up hope of life, give up the dream, give up their own, blindly let their depression go on. And Helen, with their tenacious perseverance and tenacity of faith, and Sally text teachers teaching and support, miraculously experienced many ordinary people can not imagine setbacks, ups and downs, always with optimism, strong attitude to face life, face On life, and ultimately achieved success. She, with their own practical actions to prove to the world: a miracle is there. Yes, the miracle is there! Sullivan teachers arrival, so that Allen saw the hope and saw a miracle. Since then, Sally text teacher step by step guide her to the bright, to a miracle. It can be said that Sally text teacher selfless and broad love, the achievements of Helen, Helen created a miracle of life. Read Helen Keller autobiography, I was deeply impressed by the spirit of Helen. She not only created a miracle of the blind, but also created the ordinary people can not and the miracle. She will be bright to each of the same unyielding to


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