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英语作文初三保护环境 Every one of us can feel that the school has been greening, beautifying and purifying the campus environment. When we study in the classroom and clean our comfortable environment, we feel the importance of a clean campus for all the students and students. Students grow up on campus, live and grow up, the campus is actually our second home. Every day, we can see the students cleaning in every corner of the campus, picking up scraps of paper and using their own hands to maintain and create a beautiful campus environment. Each of us is a member of the campus and has the duty and responsibility to maintain the campus. Campus environment is good, we need to jointly build the habit of civilization also depend on our usual formed little by little, in the final analysis our life learning environment to maintain by each student. To further create a good campus environment, we should set up campus awareness and take care of the campus environment. Conscientiously maintain the clean sanitation of campus, do well on duty day work, form good hygiene habit. No spitting, no littering, no snacks on campus. Take good care of the campus environment, not the wall, the desktop mess, the graffiti, the scribble. Dont climb trees and plant trees, love one flower. Human, the earths security expert, you should know: if only humans that an animal in the world, so we are lonely, let us join hands together to save the earth, protect the environment we live in! Yeah, are there fewer deforestation? But who knows? The earth has only one, it is our beautiful home, we want to protect it, cherish her? With the current statistics, Chinas forest area is ranked fifth in the world, per capita in 119. But let a person dare to delight: we jiangyin peoples environmental protection consciousness is strong. Park, residential area, road place such as all kinds of full of trees, from a distance, like a piece of emerald green, light, beautiful. Walk into each town, jiangyin are li


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