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PAGE I PAGE I 存货控制的新理念及其应用 ——以太极集团股份有限公司为例 摘 要 随着经济的不断增长,社会消费水平和消费市场的变化,传统的存货控制理念渐渐暴露其缺陷,在这样的环境下新的存货控制理念更符合企业的管理。存货作为企业的流动资产,如何有效控制存货,使其保持在合理范围内,达到成本降低,经济效益提高的目的,是企业管理中最至关重要的事。医药行业是一个特殊的行业,人们的生命安全和健康是国家所重视的,对于医药政策的改革,企业又该如何应对才能在激烈的竞争中脱颖而出,获取利润呢?本文分析了存货控制的实际意义,将传统存货控制方法与现代新的存货管理理论进行阐述,以太极集团有限公司为例论述该企业中存货控制存在的问题,并将存货控制的新理念应用到该企业中,以达到在经济的不断发展和医药政策的变革环境下应用新的存货控制理念,使企业能够有效控制存货问题,降低存货成本,获取更多利益,提高市场竞争力,使医药行业更好制造出让人民放心的药,人民吃得起的药,积极响应国家的号召。 关键词:存货;存货控制;存货控制的新理念 New concept of inventory control and its application -- Take tai ji group co., LTD.as an example Abstract With the continuous growth of economy and the changes of social consumption level and consumption market, the defects of the traditional inventory control concept are gradually exposed. In such an environment, the new inventory control concept is more in line with the management of enterprises. Inventory as the current assets of enterprises, how to effectively control inventory, keep it in a reasonable range, reduce costs, improve economic benefits, is the most important thing in enterprise management. The pharmaceutical industry is a special industry, people's life safety and health is the national attention, for the reform of the pharmaceutical policy, how should the enterprise to stand out in the fierce competition, to obtain profits? This paper analyzes the practical significance of inventory control,the traditional inventory control methods and modern new inventory management theory, taking the discourse of the tai ji group company for example problems of inventory control in the enterprises, and the application of the new concept of inventory control in the enterprise, in order to achieve in the continuous development of economy and the transformation of the medical policy environment and application of the new concept of inventory control, make the enterprise can effectively control the inventory problem, reduce the inventory cost and get more benefit, improve market competitiveness, make people's t


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