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公平公正 践行承诺! PAGE PAGE 6 用心用情 信誉至上 精品合同协议,仅供参考,需要可下载使用! 投资合伙企业(有限合伙)之 有限合伙中英双语协议 VENTURE CAPITAL FUND(Limited Partnership) Limited Partnership Agreement 管理人、有限合伙人分别作出如下声明及保证: The Manager and the Limited Partner respectively represents and warrants that: 管理人???????????(有限合伙)已在本合伙企业募集资金前于中国证券投资基金业协会(“中国基金业协会”或“基金业协会”)登记为私募基金管理人,登记编码为???????????。中国基金业协会为私募基金管理人和私募基金办理登记备案不构成对私募基金管理人投资能力、持续合规情况的认可;不作为对基金财产安全的保证。管理人已在签订本协议前揭示了相关风险;已经了解各有限合伙人的风险偏好、风险认知能力和承受能力。管理人承诺将按照恪尽职守、诚实信用、谨慎勤勉的原则管理运用基金财产,管理人不对基金活动的盈利性和最低收益作出承诺。 The Manager, ??????????? Capital Management Center L.P., has been registered as a private equity fund manager (Registration No.:???????????) with the Asset Management Association of China (“AMAC”) prior to the fund-raising by this Partnership. The registration of a private fund manager or a private equity fund with AMAC does not constitute an endorsement of the investment ability and ongoing compliance of that private fund manager, or a guarantee for the property security of that fund. The Manager has disclosed its risks before signing this Agreement and has understood the risk preferences, risk perceptions and affordability of each limited partner. The Manager undertakes that it will manage and use the fund assets in accordance with the principles of due care, credibility and honesty, prudence and diligence. The Manager has not made any guarantee with respect to the profitability or minimum return of the fund activities. 有限合伙人为符合《私募投资基金监督管理暂行办法》规定的合格投资者,其保证财产的来源及用途符合国家有关规定,并已充分理解本协议条款,了解相关权利义务,了解有关法律法规及所投资基金的风险收益特征,愿意承担相应的投资风险;有限合伙人承诺其向管理人提供的有关投资目的、投资偏好、投资限制、财产收入情况和风险承受能力等基本情况真实、完整、准确、合法,不存在任何重大遗漏或误导。 The Limited Partner is a qualified investor as defined in the Interim Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Private Investment Funds and warrants that the sources and purposes of its assets are lawful; it has fully understood the terms and conditions of this Agreement, has understood its rights and obligations, the applicable laws and regula


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