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Unit 16 Scientists at work ●目标导引 Ⅰ.单词及短语 experiment, comfort, conduct, prove, a great deal of, tear, test on, doubt, mean, fix, go against Ⅱ. 语法:单词构词法—复合词(Compounds) ●内容精讲 Ⅰ.单词及短语精讲 1. experiment (1) n.实验;试验 “做实验”为:make/ do/ perform/ carry out an experiment 某方面的实验: an experiment in chemistry/physics… (2) v.进行实验,实验,接宾语时用 with/on experiment with new methods/ materials试验新方法/新材料 experiment on animals = make experiments on animals用动物做实验。 2. conduct v.引导,领导,管理,指挥,行为,传导 e.g. A girl conducted the visitors around the museum. 一位姑娘领着游客在博物馆中参观。 If he conducts his business affairs in the careless way, he will never succeed. 如果他马马虎虎地处理公事,他永远也不会成功的。 Who is conducting the band this evening?今晚谁指挥乐队? He conducts himself well.他行为端正。 Copper conducts electricity better than other materials. 铜的导电性能比别的材料好。 3.deal (1) n.分量(表示数量) e.g. He has given me a great deal of help.他给我大量的帮助。 I have heard a great deal about you.我听了很多关于你的事。 (2) v. deal with a.处理 e.g. I have a lot of letters to deal with today.今天我有很多信件要处理。 The boy dealt with the maths problem in a different way. 孩子以不同的方法处理这个数学难题。 How did you deal with matters of this sort? 你是怎么处理这类事情的? b.对付,和……打交道 e.g. That man is impossible to deal with.那人是无法相处的。 A teacher should deal fairly with his students. 老师应公正地对待学生。 c.论述,涉及 e.g. The subject isnt very well dealt with in his book. 这个问题在他的书里没有得到很好的论述。 4. prove (1) vt.证明,证实,后接名词、代词、从句和复合结构 e.g. We have proved our courage in battle. 我们在战斗中证实了自己的勇气。 Who can prove it?谁能证实这一点呢? They will prove that we are telling the truth. 他们可以证明我们讲的是事实。 Can you prove what you were doing at 10 oclock last night? 你能证明昨天晚上十点钟你在干什么? Time will prove me right.时间会证明我是对的。 (2)link v.证明,结果是,后接形容词、副词、介词短语、名词、不定式to be e.g. The instrument has proved useful.这种仪器证明是有用的。 He proved an honest friend.事实证明他是个诚实的朋友。 It will prove of little use.结果会证明它没有什么用。 He may prove to be the most suitable person for the job. 他结果可能是最适合这项工作的人。 5. tear v.撕(破),扯,被撕(挂)破 e.g. He tore the photograph into pieces.他把照片撕碎了。 Mary fell down in the street and to


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