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高一英语期末模拟试题(1) 二、英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分) 第一节:单项填空:(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并把答案写在答题卷上。 He is the sort of person that is not fit for the kind of work that ____ carefulness and patience. A. calls up B. calls for C. calls on D. calls at 22. If you compare food costs today ______ of a year ago, you will find the difference. A. to that B. to them C. with that D. with those 23. I don’t think this necklace ____ as much as the one your sister has just _____. A. costs; paid B. spends; paid back C. is worth; paid for D. pays; spent 24. Two middle-aged passengers fell into the lake._____ , neither of them could swim. A.In fact B.Luckily C.Unfortunately D.Naturally 25. There is a feeling in me _______ we will never know what a UFO is. A. that B. which C. of which D. what 26. The engines of the ship were out of order and the bad weather ______ the helplessness of the crew at sea. A. resulted from B. turned out C. made up D. added to 27.--I know this is the latest type but its secondhand. $20--thats my last offer. --OK. Its a (n) ___________. A. business B. trade C. agreement D. deal 28. Tony is _____ the guidebook, looking for information about South Korea, where he will travel soon. A. tracing B. skipping C. inspecting D. scanning 29. - I go out to play now, mum? - No, you . You should do your homework first. A. Must, mustn’t B. Might, wouldn’t C. Need, mustn’t D. May, had better not 30. ______ is the richest man in our city? A. Whom do you think B. Who do you think C. Do you think who D. Who you think 31. Life is hard in this city. In order to lose their _____, some young men drink alcohol. A. temper B. mood C. consciousness D. pressures 32. When you run _____a new word while reading, do _____look up dictionary. A. out; stop to B. through; stopping C. across; stop D. into; stop to 33. Was _____that I saw last night at the con


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