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Module 1 Feelings and impressions Unit 1 It smells delicious. 【学习目标】 知识目标: 能够正确运用表示感觉和知觉的系动词,并且识记本单元的单词、 重点短语 : Smell, soft, sour, lovely, try, have a try, sound, salt, favourite 等等。 2. 能力目标:能够听懂本单元中表示感觉和知觉的系动词 (sound, smell, look, taste, feel) 表述的内容并能与图片匹配。 3. 情感目标:通过学习表达对事物的感觉能够更好地理解别人 , 从而更懂得关爱别人。 【重点及难点】 1. 重点:掌握句子的系表结构 :linking verb+adj. ( 系动词 +形容词 ) 。 难点:运用表示感觉和知觉的系动词表达对事物的感觉。 【学习步骤】 : 课前预习【自主学习】 、完成下列关于五官及其感觉的图示: eye, look , Five , senses , , We use our eyes / noses / hands / mouths / ears to ? .结合课本 2 页的对话,试着翻译下列词组、重点句子。 ① ② 想要做某事 2. 在顶部 3. 恐怕 4. ① ② 一点儿 5. 做完了 6. 试试看 7. 在中间 8. 对甜食的爱好 9. 确信 10. 草莓酱 11. 今天是我的幸运日 二、课堂学习过程 【合作探究】 Step 1. Read the conversation on page 2, and complete the table. food How ... ? looks so nice , smells tastes smells , tastes taste feel in the middle sound cake tastes tastes Step 2. Practise speaking like this: E.g. The pizza looks/smells/tastes... 【归纳总结】 上述句子中的 look 、 smell 、 taste 、 feel 被叫做系动词。这些系动词后通常接 (  、sound 叫做 , 他们与 be 动词一样也 词性 ) 做表语。描述事物“看起来”“闻起 来”“尝起来”“感觉起来”“听起来”怎么样。 Step 3. Listen and number the pictures. feel look smell soft sour strong sweet taste Step 4. Listen again and complete the sentences. 1. The cookie __________. 2. The milk ____________ . This bed ____________ . Tom _______________ . Step 5. listen and read Activity3 . Now check ( √) what Betty is making. Step 6. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. lovely soft sour strong sugar sweet 1. I bought a large chocolate cake, because I lov e _______ food. 2. Dried fish has a ________ taste. You don ’t need much of it in the dish. She does not put ________ in tea because she does not like sweet tea. The milk has gone _________ overnight, so we cannot drink it. 5. The bed feels ________ and comfortable. 6. Apple pie sounds _________. It is my favourite. Step 7. Complete the table with the words in the boxes in Activities 1 and 4. Ear sound quiet ? Eye Hand Mouth Nose Step 8. Free talk You and your friends are at a party. There is a lot t


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