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PAGE 高一英语unit1unit2测试卷 (新人教版,模块一) I 单词:(15’) 1、It is wrong to c__________ in an examination 2、The teacher gave me some a__________ on studying maths. 3、I will make every e_______________( 尽力) to help you. 4. The teacher is always c_______________ about / forhis students. But yesterday he was upset, because the students i______________ the bell and went on talking in class. Then he tried to c________ them down. It was almost ten minutes b________ they began the new lesson. 5.The _____________(政府)is planning new tax increase. 6.When she saw me ,she ____________(认出) me at once. 7.The villagers were all______________(出席)at the meeting. 8.Please read the _____________(说明)before taking the medicine 9.He is speaking with one kind of Southern _______(方言)and __________(口音) 10.Later, people made use of a wider ____________(词汇),and believed there was no such thing as ___________________(标准)English II. 词组(30’) 1、Before you write a composition, you had better______________________________(列提纲) of the ideas 2、The weather _________ (一直暖和)all this weak. 3、I _________________________ (碰巧在楼上)when he arrived. 4、 I had ________________________________ the man’s house. (费很大劲才找到) 5、Now we can______________________________ (交流) each other on the radio or by internet. 6. ____________________________(不止一个)student wants to go to swim. 7.__________________________________ (在某些重要方面)they are very different form one another. 8. Monitor_______________________________________(在…..中起重要作用)managing a class. 9.He ______________________________________(经历)two World Wars. 10.Everyone ___________________ him _____________ an honest boy.(公认……..为) 11._____________(即使) he had got a good job, he still wants to look for a better one. 12. Would you please __________________ (过来) to my flat for a visit? 13. This movie__________________________(以为基础) facts. 14.It is dangerous to stand ____________________(靠近)the burning house. 15. We should________________________________(


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