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高一英语模块二Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained (Revison) 一。 单词拼写 1. Mona Lisa’s m smile attracts so many people in the world. 2. A to Tom, Jane got married last month. 3. Liu Xiang didnt let Chinese people down with a c______________ win in the mens 110-metre hurdles, 2004 Olympics. 4. The dog was f__________ so the children dared not get close to it. 5. The English teacher praised the girl for her having made great p ___________. . 6. I was (失望) at the result. He failed in the exam. 7.He dived in the Indian Ocean many times looking for ____________(财宝) . 8. The elephant is the largest land animal in ______________(存在)。 9.Do you know the rich lady in _________(毛皮衣)at my sisters birthday party. 10. He made a new (科学的) discovery. 11. Looking at her p expression, I see that she still hasn’t understood the problem. 12. The police are trying to find the w to the accident. 13. Whether Arafat was m or died naturally is still unknown to the world yet. 14. There is no p that they can finish the work ahead of the time because of te bad weather. 15. It is interesting to know that some astronauts took walks in o space. 16. He has to work hard because he has a big family to s . 17. Last night, my brother had a terrible n in which someone tried to kill him. 18. He said he d to our plan at the meeting, didn’t he? 19. I was reading when our teacher suddenly patted(拍) me on the s . 20. Some people declared that they discovered Yeti, a wild c in the mountainous area. 二。用所给短语的适当形式填空 make up show up give up search for search.....for step up put on due to make ones way look into look through take off take charge of run into live on 1.I must _________that lost money until I find it. 2.The actors were __________________when we arrived . 3.The doctor _______ the wound ________the bullet(子弹)。 4.He was invited


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