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高一英语Unit?16要点综合 重难点解析 单词和词组 1. Advantage n[c] condition that gives one superiority or success. He has the advantage of winning this game.他有取胜的优势. Her education gives her certain advantages over the students in her class.她所受的教育使她在班上有一定优势. [u] benefit ; profit 益处;利益 There is little advantage in buying a dictionary if you can’t read.假如你不认识的字的话,买字典毫无用处. 常用短语Take advantage of sb./sth make good use of sb./sth 充分利用某人或某事. They took advantage of the hotel’s facilities.他们充分利用了酒店设施. She looks advantage of my generosity.她利用了我的慷慨. Advantage 反义词是disadvantage: unfavorable condition 2. Successful having the effect or result you intended The enemy tried to take the town but were not successful. Be successful in persuading him to change his mind?敌人企图占领这个城市,但是没有成功. He was successful in politics.他是名成功的政治家. Did you have any success in working out the problem? 动词形式是succeed与fail相反,succeed in doing sth. he succeeded in getting what he wanted.他如愿以偿。 3.conduct (1)vt.lead or guide (sb./sth.)领导;引导 I asked the attendant to conduct him to the door.我请服务员带他到门口。 The guide conducted us round the park.导游带我们到公园转了一圈。 (2)vi.direct;control指挥;控制;主持 She was asked conduct the meeting.她受命主持会议。 (3)vt.Direct the performance of指挥(乐队) John conducted the concert yesterday.约翰昨天指挥了音乐会。 (4)conduct oneself well/badly,behave in a specified way. How did the prisoner conduct himself?这名犯人做了什么? (5)vt.Allow (heat,electricity,etc.)to pass along to through it Copper conducts electricity better than other materials do.铜导电能力比其他材料要强一些。 (6)n.[u]behavior行为 The reporter was criticized for his unprofessional conduct.这位记者的违背职业道德的行为受到批评。 4.change v. (1)ask(an amount)as a price要价 How much do you change for mending shoes?修鞋需要多少钱? (2)store electricity充电 If the light comes on,the battery isn’t changing.灯亮了,电池就不充电了。 (3)rush in a specific direction冲向 The children charged down the stairs.孩子们冲向楼下。 (4)accuse sb.of sth指控 He was changed with murder.他被指控谋杀。 She changed me with looking down on her.她指责我蔑视她。 5.Prove vt vi give proof of;show to


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