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阅读教材P8中的材料,选出最佳选项 1.Which is not included in our new exhibition? A.Ink wash paintings. B.Bronze bowls. C.Ceramic vases. D.Western sculptures. 2.Tang Yin lived in the Dynasty. A.Song B.Tang C.Ming D.Qing 3.According to the passage,which one is not true? A.The bronze objects displayed on the exhibition was created by Emperor Qianlong. B.Trade along the Silk Road boomed in the seventh century. C.You can not go to the exhibition on Monday. D.You can not take drink into the museum. [答案] 1—3 DCA Words and Phrases eq \a\vs4\al(知识要点1) representative adj. 典型的;有代表性的 n.代表 [教材原句P6] These pictures are representatives of ink wash animation films. 这些图片是水墨动画电影的代表。 [例1] Employees from each department elect a representative. 每个部门的员工选举一名代表。 [例2] Is a questionnaire answered by 500 people truly representative of the population as a whole? 由500人参加的问卷调查能真正代表所有民众吗? [造句]  他似乎想当然地认为他应该以代表的身份发言。 He seemed to take it for granted that he should speak as a representative. [知识拓展] represent vt.    代表;表现;描绘 represent...as... 把……描绘成…… represent sb. to be/as 宣称某人为/是…… represent sth. to sb. 向某人说明某事,向某人传达某事 [即学即练] 单句语法填空 ①This kind of medical treatment represents(represent) a significant advance in the field of cancer research. ②He represented himself as a philosopher. ③I couldn't be present myself,but I sent my representative(represent) to the meeting. [小片段填空] The representative put forward a representative problem about the project.He represented himself as one of the best experts in that field.(represent) eq \a\vs4\al(知识要点2) decline n. (数量、价格、质量等的)减少;下降;衰落 vi.&vt. 减少;下降;衰落;谢绝 [教材原句P6] an explanation of the decline in ink wash animation 水墨动画的衰落的解释 [例1] The company reported a small decline in its profits. 公司报告其利润略有减少。 [例2] Her health was declining rapidly. 她的健康状况迅速恶化。 [造句]  他们的发言人拒绝对这些指控加以评论。 Their spokesman declined to comment on the allegations. [知识拓展] (1)decline(from...)to...  (从……)下降/减少到…… decline by 下降/减少了…… decline doing/to do sth. 婉言拒绝做某事 (2)fall/go into a decline 开始衰落,衰



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