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广东大学英语考试考前冲刺卷(2) 本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。 严格遵守考试纪律,维护考试秩序! 一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.As working women continue to receive better and better wages, house-wives still work at home without receiving paychecks. Should a woman who works at home, doing the housework and caring for children, be paid for her services In a 1986 study at Cornell University, it was found that the value of the services of a housewife averaged $11,600 a year. This rate was based on a family composed of a husband, wife, and three young children. The $11,600 is what the husband would have to pay if he hired others to take over his wife’’s household work. The researchers concluded that it would be fair for husband to pay wives according to government guidelines (方针) for least amounts of wages. Another plan for rewarding women who work at home has been suggested by Dr. Johnson, a former Secretary of Health and Human Services. He says that full-time housewives should be allowed to pay social security taxes (社会保障金) ,with their employers (that is ,their husbands) offering part of the payment. He feels that the present system is unfair. He said, If you work in a store you can qualify for Social Security, but if you stay at home and raise a family, you can’’t qualify for it. The expression full-time housewives in paragraph 2 means_______. A.wives who can’t do any housework B.wives who don’t like to stay at home C.wives staying at home doing housework D.wives working outside home sometimes 参考答案:C 语义题。该题考查学生理解特定表达方式的意思的能力。“full time”意为:全职的。由此可知:“full-time house wife”指完全呆在家里作家务的妇女,即为全职太太。由此可知本题选C。 2.Dear Sir or Madam, The MDC Company was established in 2001 and in four short years has become one of the most successful companies in the market place. For this, we are pleased, proud and grateful. We are pleased because our customers have confirmed our belief that if the products we offer are new, exciting, innovative (有创意的) and of excellent quality, they will be purchased. We are prou


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