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黑龙江公共英语考试模拟卷(8) 本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。 严格遵守考试纪律,维护考试秩序! 一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.How old was the woman in 19987 A.She was seventeen in 1998. B.She was sixteen in 1998. C.She was fifteen in 1998. 参考答案:B [听力原文] M: How old were you in 1998 W: I was sixteen. Q: How old was the woman in 1998 [句意] 1998年这位女士多大年纪 从 对话:“I was sixteen.”“我那时16岁。”可以得出答案,她16岁。故选项[B]正 确。 2.What will the woman do A.Go to a fast food place with the man. B.Eat after her class. C.Get to her class quickly. 参考答案:B [听力原文] M: My class doesn’t start until one thirty, so I’m going to have a quick lunch. W: I’d like to join you, but my class starts earlier. Q: What will the woman do [句意] 这位女士会做什么 对话中女士说: “I’d like to join you,but my class starts earlier.”“我想和你一起去,可是我 上课的时间更早。”也就说,这位女士不能同男士一起去吃午餐。故选项 [B]正确。 3.What does the man mean A.He doesn’t drink coffee at lunch time. B.He likes tea in the morning. C.He prefers coffee at lunch time. 参考答案:A [听力原文] W: Do you prefer tea or coffee after lunch M: I don’t care for tea that much, and I only drink coffee in the morning. Q: What does the man mean [句意] 这位男士表达的是什么意思 对话 中女士问:“Do you prefer tea or coffee after lunch ”“你午饭后喜欢喝茶还 是喝咖啡 ”,男士回答说:“I don’t care for tea that much,and I only drink coffee in the morning.”“我不是那么喜欢喝茶。我只在早晨喝咖啡。”我们 可以得出结论,他不想在午餐后喝咖啡。故选项[A]正确。 4.Where did the woman grow up A.She grew up in Tianjin. B.She grew up in New York. C.She grew up in Beijing. 参考答案:C [听力原文] M: Where did you grow up W: I was born in New York, but I grew up in Beijing. Q: Where did the woman grow up [句意] 这位女士在哪里长大 对话中, 女士回答说:“I was born in New York,but I grew up in Beijing.”“我出生在 纽约,但是我在北京长大。”故选项[C]正确。 5.What does the man mean A.She has beautiful eyes. B.The dress fits her very well. C.The woman likes to wear beautiful dress. 参考答案:B [听力原文] W: How do I look in my new dress M: It fits you very well and it matches your eyes. You look wonderful. Q: What does the man mean [句意] 这位男士表达的是什么意思 从对话 “It fits you very well and it matches your eye


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