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湖北大学英语考试模拟卷(6) 本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。 严格遵守考试纪律,维护考试秩序! 一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.Passage Two A.She was moved to tears by its graceful yet simple melody and honest lyrics. B.She was moved to tears by its oriental style. C.She disliked it yet still promised to sing. D.She disliked it but had to sing. 参考答案:A [听力原文] How does Sarah feel about the theme song You and Me [一点即通] 文中指出当莎拉笫一次听到《我和你》这首歌时,就被其优雅简洁的旋律和质朴的歌词感动得热泪盈眶。故A)项正确。 2.Passage Three A.We have got to the stage of real civilization. B.We can keep the rules and behave properly in daily life. C.Governments have learned to keep the rules. D.We still behave like savages. 参考答案:B [听力原文] What kind of civilization do we have in our modern society [一点即通] 文章最后一段阐述了我们现今社会的情况,即日常生活中我们已经学会了遵循规则和举止恰当,但是民族和国家之间仍然没有学会这些,还表现得像野蛮人。故B)项正确。 3.New York is searching for new ways to fight persistent poverty. To encourage families to participate in these programs, the mayor hopes to recruit private donors to provide parents with a cash incentive to make the right choices for their children, making sure they stay in school and sending them to visit health care providers. The idea is based on a highly successful Mexican antipoverty program, set up in 1997 and known as Oportunidades, which is now being tried by at least 25 other countries. The purpose of this program is to promote education, improve health care, health maintenance, and better nutrition among Mexico’s rural families living in extreme poverty. The program provides education grants, nutritional supplements, education on hygiene(卫生) and nutrition, and cash transfers for food to mothers in participating villages. Today the program covers one in four Mexican families, helping virtually all the poor families in the country. Families are sent a bimonthly check if their children regularly attend school in grades three through nine; the amount varies from about $ 10 a month in third grade to $135 for girls in ninth grade. Girls in secondary school



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