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黑龙江大学英语考试考前冲刺卷(3) 本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。 严格遵守考试纪律,维护考试秩序! 一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.______ is regarded as the most English of all games. A.football B.rugby C.basketball D.cricket 参考答案:D 2.The United States bought Louisiana from ______. A.France B.Spain C.Britain D.Mexico 参考答案:A 3.The period ranging from 1865 to 1914 has been referred to as _______ in American literature. A.the Age of Colonicalism B.the Age of Romanticism C.the Age of Realism D.the Age of Modernism 参考答案:C 4.The meaning of words may change with time deer is a example of ______. A.widening of meaning B.narrowing of meaning C.meaning shift D.loss of meaning 参考答案:B 5.The heir to the Britain Crown is also called _______ A.Prince of Scotland B.Prince of Wales C.Prince of Westminster D.Prince of England 参考答案:B 6.Westminster Palace is the seat of ______. A.British Houses of Parliament B.The prime minister’s office C.crown’s residence D.Christian organization 参考答案:A 7.______ is the author of Scarlet Letter. A.Hawthorne B.Mark Twain C.Melville D.Cooper 参考答案:A 8.Speakers Comer located in ______, where speaker can deliver their eloquent speech. A.British Museum B.Westminster C.Hyde Park D.Greater London 参考答案:C 9.Which of the following is not a character of acquisition A.use textbook. B.conducted with no careful schedules C.learn language subconsciously D.concentrate on meaning 参考答案:A 10.What is the mans last name A.Young. B.Purcell. C.Raleigh. D.Kelly. 参考答案:C [试题分析] 本题是细节题。 [详细解答] 先看题支,再有针对性的认真听。依据“my last name is Raleigh.R-A-L-E-I-G-H”可以做出判断。 11.Why cant the woman give Terry Youngs test to the man A.Because it is against the law. B.Because the man is not a member of Terrys family. C.Because the woman cannot find the test. D.Because Terry was too sick to take the test. 参考答案:A [试题分析] 本题考查的是细节。 [详细解答] 先看题支,再有针对性的认真听。依据“but the privacy act wont permit it”“but thats the law”可以做出选择。 12.What will the man most probably do A.Call his friend. B.Go to the office to get his test. C.Send the


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