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Revised by Chen Zhen in 2021 Revised by Chen Zhen in 2021 冶金专业毕业论文 毕 业 课 题 课题名称: 连 铸 坯 质 量 控 制 学  号 姓  名 专业班级 指导教师 2014年 0 摘 要 连铸坯质量决定着最终产品的质量。从广义来说所谓连铸坯质量是得到合格产品所允许的连铸坯缺陷的严重程度,连铸坯存在的缺陷在允许范围以内,叫合格产品。连铸坯质量是从以下几个方面进行评价的: (1)连铸坯的纯净度:指钢中夹杂物的含量,形态和分布。 (2)连铸坯的表面质量:主要是指连铸坯表面是否存在裂纹、夹渣及皮下气泡等缺陷。连铸坯这些表面缺陷主要是钢液在结晶器内坯壳形成生长过程中产生的,与浇注温度、拉坯速度、保护渣性能、浸入式水口的设计,结晶式的内腔形状、水缝均匀情况,结晶器振动以及结晶器液面的稳定因素有关。 (3)连铸坯的内部质量:是指连铸坯是否具有正确的凝固结构,以及裂纹、偏析、疏松等缺陷程度。二冷区冷却水的合理分配、支撑系统的严格对中是保证铸坯质量的关键。 (4)连铸坯的外观形状:是指连铸坯的几何尺寸是否符合规定的要求。与结晶器内腔尺寸和表面状态及冷却的均匀程度有关。 本文从以上四个方面对实际生产中连铸坯的质量控制采取的措施进行说明。 关键词:连铸坯、质量、控制 Abstract Casting billet quality determines the quality of the final product. From the generalized casting billet quality is for so-called get qualified products allowed by the severity of casting billet defects, the defects of continuous casting slab in allowing scope, call of qualified products. Casting billet quality from the following several aspects to evaluate: (1) Is dramatically: refers to the continuous casting slab in steel inclusion content, form and distribution. (2) The surface of continuous casting slab quality: mainly refers to the existence of casting billet surface cracks, slag inclusion and subcutaneous bubble etc defects. These surface defects casting billet is mainly in the crystallizer liquid steel solidified shell produces in the process of forming growth, and pouring temperature, throwing speed, protection of slag, into the design, crystallization type spout the inner chamber shape, water, seam uniform mould oscillation and mould the liquid surface stability factors. (3)The internal quality of casting billet: refers to whether has the correct casting billet solidification structure, and crack, segregation, loose defects such as degree. Two cold district cooling water rationing, supporting system for the strict is the


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