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PAGE Ⅰ Ⅰ 基于单片机的面部识别电子考勤机的设计 摘 要 随着当今时代科技的发展,方便、快捷、准确的身份识别方法能给人们带来便利的生活。考勤系统工具的智能化,将会影响各个工作范畴,适用范围也将更加广泛。在通过人体生物特征信息来鉴别人的身份可以更加准确的确认个人信息。面部识别具有更重要的实际应用价值和前景。 本文设计了基于单片机的面部识别电子考勤机的设计。设计从硬件平台和软件算法两方面来进行设计,硬件使用STM32f407型号的单片机为核心,外置视频采集模块、电源模块、存储器模块、显示模块等。软件识别算法采用BP人工神经网络完成识别,对样本图像信息进行大量反复的训练计算欧氏距离并进行聚类分析,将样本信息分成若干小类,在输入新的样本图像信息时,进行图像分析就可对某一样本信息进行匹配,完成识别工作。 关键词: STM32f407,面部识别,考勤机,BP神经网络 Design of electronic attendance machine for facial recognition based on single chip microcomputer Abstract Along with the development of contemporary science and technology, convenient, quick and accurate identification method can bring convenience to peoples life. The application of intelligent attendance system in various fields is more and more extensive, especially the inspection of work attendance system. especially of check on work attendance system based on the biological characteristics to identify more accurately confirm personal information, facial recognition is more important practical application value and prospect. This paper designs an electronic attendance system for face recognition based on single chip microcomputer. It is designed from two aspects: hardware platform and software algorithm, the hardware USES STM32f407 single-chip microcomputer as the core, and external video acquisition module, power module, memory module, display module and so on. The software recognition algorithm USES BP neural network to complete the recognition, a lot of repetition training on the sample image information to calculate the Euclidean distance and carry out clustering analysis, divides the sample information into several small classes, and when the new sample image information is input, carries on the image analysis to carry on the matching to a certain information to complete the recognition work. Key words: STM32f407, facial recognition, attendance machine, BP neural network 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 第1章 绪 论 1 1.1 课题意义与背景 1 1.2 国内外研究现状 2 1.2.1 国外研究现状 2 1.2.2 国内研


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