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15 论舆论的监督与审判独立之间的关系 摘 要 时境过迁,如今舆论监督对审判独立的影响是毋庸置疑的,缓和这一矛盾是我国实现法治化的一个重大问题,无论如何,解决这一问题的办法万变不离其宗的是一切均以法律为准绳 ,法律的逐步完善是规范人们行为的重要措施,舆论监督因而也要法律对其规范。要缓解两者之间的矛盾,就必须从舆论和司法制度两者自身去解决,先在两者身上找到共同的价值追求,再将他们限制在一定的范围内,良性互动才能够得以实现,尽可能地减少舆论对案件的干涉,又把司法机关的权力在舆论的监督下运行,舆论和审判都划清界限,交互沟通,让人们知道法律并非毫无人情,舆情也要遵守法律,法律的公平正义目标才能够得到实现。 关键词:舆论监督;审判独立;价值平衡 Abstract Now the influence of public opinion supervision on the independence of trial is unquestionable, easing this contradiction is a major problem to realize the rule of law in our country, in any case, the solution to this problem is that everything is based on the law, the gradual improvement of the law is an important measure to regulate peoples behavior, public opinion supervision and therefore also the law to its norms. In order to ease the contradiction between the two, we must solve the problem from the public opinion and the judicial system itself, first find the common value pursuit in both, and then limit them to a certain range, the benign interaction can be realized, as far as possible to reduce the interference of public opinion on the case, and the power of the judiciary to operate under the supervision of public opinion, Public opinion and trial are clear lying, interactive communication, let people know that the law is not without humanity, public opinion must abide by the law, the law of fairness and justice can be achieved. Keywords: public opinion supervision;the independence of trial;common values 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 引言 1 一、舆论监督概述 3 (一)舆论监督含义 3 (二) 现今舆论监督存在的问题 4 1、舆论发布者良莠不齐 4 2、媒体报道案件事实不清 5 3、舆论监督案预判案件 5 二、舆论监督与审判独立的关系 5 (一)舆论监督影响审判独立的原因 6 1、人们民主意识提高 6 2、媒体缺少法律意识 6 (二)舆论监督对审判独立的影响 6 1、舆论监督对审判独立的积极影响 7 (1)维护个案审理的公平正义 7 (2)保护公民基本权利 7 2、舆论监督对审判独立的消极影响 7 (1)阻碍司法程序发展 7 (2)侵害公民基本权利 8 三、外国舆论监督发展和我国“于欢案”分析 8 (一)对“于欢案”的客观分析 8 (二)两大法系对舆论监督的法律规制 9 1、英美法系国家对舆论监督的法律规制 9 2、大陆法系国家对舆论监督的法律规制 10 (三)我国立法对舆论监督的启示 10 四、平衡舆论监督与审判独立的关系的学理思考 11 (一)从价值论探讨舆论监督和审判独立关系 11 (二)正确引导舆论 11 (三)完



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