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PAGE PAGE 13 论占有制度的发展和完善 摘 要 以占有概念为基础,由占有概念展开对占有问题的讨论,经占有制度的发展过程了解占有制度如何完善至现状。我国现阶段对占有制度的规定是《民法通则》7l条和《物权法》占有编,其中存在一些立法不足,主要表现为基础概念之匮乏、占有的权利和义务未详细说明,占有权与回复请求权及占有权与自力救济权、占有推定效力的相关问题。依据实际社会生活的需要,对比法国和德国较为具有代表性的占有制度的构建,参照其法律经验,从中寻求一些值得借鉴之处。针对以上提出的相关问题,结合当前我国的历史背景和实际需要,提出完善我国占有制度的可行方法。 关键词:占有制度;占有保护;占有推定效力 The development and perfection of the possession system Abstract Based on the concept of possession, the concept of possession is used to discuss the issue of possession, and the development process of the possession system is used to understand how the possession system is improved to the status quo.Article 7l of the general principles of the civil law and the possession code of the property law of China are the provisions of the possession system at the present stage, among which there are some legislative deficiencies, which are mainly manifested as the lack of basic concepts, the unclear rights and obligations of possession, the right of possession and the right of reply, the right of possession and the right of self-remedy, and the relevant problems of the constructive effect of possession. According to the actual needs of social life, this paper compares the construction of the representative possession system in France and Germany, and tries to find some valuable points by referring to their legal experience. In view of the above-mentioned related issues, combined with the current historical background and actual needs of our country, we propose a feasible method to perfect our countrys possession system. Keywords: Possession; Possession protection; Presumption effect 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u 13890 一、引言 1 17604 二、占有制度的理论基础 1 18816 (一)占有的概念 1 22322 (二)占有的保护 2 5211 三、占有制度的发展 2 15444 (一)旧中国时期的占有保护制度 2 12157 (二)我国《物权法》颁布前的占有保护制度 3 14452 (三)现阶段我国民法中的占有问题 3 19246 四、占有立法的疏漏 4 19284 (一)基础概念 4 7764 1.占有的内涵模糊 4 30125 2.占有的分类残缺 4 24203 (二)占有人的权利和义务 4 30561 1.未具体区别返还之物 5 4605 2.未完善规定善意占有者的权利 5 13442 (三)占有与回复请求权 5 20694 (四)占有与自力救济权 5 80



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