B8U1_warmingup课文理解 课件.ppt

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eg: He arrived in Beijing in 1984, ______he became a manager , some years later. He arrived in Beijing in 1984, ______he was already in his fifties. A.When B.where C.there D.that B A 5. It is believed that before long the mix of nationalities will be so great that there will be no distict major racial or cultural groups. 译:_______________________________________ 本句It is believed that意为_________________,=_______________. 此句型里that引导一个 ⑴ _______从句,类似表达有________________________ ; 该主语从句中又有so...that...句型, that引导 ⑵ ______状语从句。 eg It’s said that Tom has got the first prize.(句型转换) →Tom is said______________ the first prize. Tom is said ________________(正在拍一部电影)(make) 人们认为,要不了多久,各种国籍的混合将会非常之大,以致于不可能存有一种主要的种族或文化群体,而仅仅多种族、多文化的混合体。 据信 主语 It’s said/suggested/thought /hoped that… 结果 to have got to be making a film People believe( that) 1.It also has the distinction of being the most multicultural state in the USA, having attracted people from all over the world. 译:________________________________________________________ having attracted在句中作___________ Eg: The school, __________________(修了)for 2 years, is intended for the disabled children.(build) 加州与众不同之处在于它也是美国最具多元文化的一个州,它吸引了来自世界各地的人们。 状语 having been built eg: He arrived in Beijing in 1984, ______he became a manager , some years later. He arrived in Beijing in 1984, ______he was already in his fifties. A.When B.where C.there D.that B A In 1848, in California gold was__________, which _________people from all over the world to arrive there to achieve their dreams of______________. In 1850, California became the _____state of the USA as a ____________society. Attracted by the__________________, more and more people from different parts of the world have been _________________California, including Asians, Africans, Americans and Europeans. In the near future, California will become ____________many races and cultures _______ any major racial or cultural


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