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论文题目:连续滚筒式沥青搅拌站控制系统的研究专 业:控制理论与控制工程 硕 士 生: (签名) 指导教师: (签名) 摘 要 沥青搅拌站在公路建设中起着非常重要的作用,目前采用的沥青搅拌站分为间歇式和连续式两种,连续式沥青搅拌站较间歇式相比有很多优势,但是传统的连续式沥青搅拌站物料计量采用容积法,计量误差较大。 本课题研究连续滚筒式沥青搅拌站,在了解连续滚筒式沥青搅拌站发展过程、设备结构以及工艺要求的基础上,设计了其控制系统,包括 PLC 控制系统设计和监控系统设计。针对传统的计量方法的缺陷,本设计提出了采用比值控制对骨料级配比、石粉比以及油石比配比进行自动控制,并应用混合过程 PID 调节。 根据控制要求选型,本设计采用西门子 S7-200PLC ,在 S7-200 编译环境STEP7-Micro/WIN4.0 SP6 下,进行了 PLC 软件的设计与调试,实现了系统所需要的控制功能。上位机监控系统用组态软件 WinCC 实现,可通过上位机向 PLC 发出控制命令, 同时还可将现场的各种数据通过 PLC 传送给上位机,在上位机界面上用图形显示出来, 实现对生产过程的实时监控。WinCC 与 PLC 的通信通过 PPI 协议实现。 经过 Matlab 仿真结果可知,双闭环比值控制和混合过程 PID 算法的应用,能够有效地提高沥青混合料计量配比的准确性,大大地提高了沥青成品料的生产质量,具有很大的实用价值,对连续滚筒式沥青搅拌行业的发展和公路建设有重要意义。 关 键 字:连续滚筒式沥青搅拌站;S7-200PLC;双闭环比值控制;混合过程 PID; WinCC 研究类型:应用研究 Subject :The Research of Continuous Drum Asphalt Agitated Plant’s Control System Speciality : Control Theory and Control Engineering Name :Cheng Anan (Signature) Instructor :Yang Shixing (Signature) ABSTRACT It plays an important role of asphalt agitated plant in highway construction. Asphalt agitated plant used currently is divided into batch and continuous type. It has many advantages of continuous asphalt agitated plant compared to batch type. However, volumetric method is used in the material measurement of traditional continuous asphalt agitated plant, and the measuring error is very large. It is researched Continuous Drum Asphalt Agitated Plant in the paper. And the control system included PLC control system and monitored control system is designed on the base of understanding its development, equipment structure and technical requirements. For the defect of traditional measuring method, it is advanced using ratio control to control the ratios of aggregate, powder and asphalt automatically, and mixing process PID algorithm is used. According to the control requirement, it is used Siemens S7-200PLC in the design. In the compiling environment STEP7-Micro/WIN4.0 SP6, the PLC software is designed and debugged, and the functions of the system are realized. It is used W


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