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初中三年对老师的感谢英语作文 When the coming of fifth grade, we are longing for the miss huang, but we drew a new teacher, miss Chen. Nearly a year, Chen teacher in my eyes is a very responsible teacher. Remember, after each test you are earnest, carefully correcting our exam papers. As long as where is incomplete or write wrong, you will again hair down and let's correction. After correction, you trouble again, repeat marked a seriously. As long as there is found to write wrong, you don't say a word of what, again hair down and let's correction, corrects you went on. If the reduction of late, you will stay in school, to help correct we write, coaching! After counseling, you stay alone in the office, regardless of the passage of time, whether it is so tired, you have been sticking to their duties, be sure to finish the task, do it. Even so, every day you come to class, with a huge smile smile in the face with us. In my heart, eyes, miss Chen is a responsible teacher! Some say, ShiEn, however. Our progress and some scores all condensing your hard sweat. You like a ship, led us to the ocean of knowledge. You like hard gardener, and a day to spread the knowledge of the rain, moist us these saplings. You, regardless of whether they are frustrated or happiness, your heart of light, will always be with us. Teacher, why do you not want? You don't have to stay up to review into the middle of the night, Don't smile to us with a tired body. The teacher! You are a construction worker, we are a brick, is your sweat and we build by laying bricks or stones into the house. Teacher, you although there is no earth-shattering performance, however you by what you had to give up in order to we don't know the growth of a day of rest, and how many sleepless night you like a candle, burns himself, lights others, you are in his life to cultivate the flowers, we the teacher is the engineer of the human soul! The teacher I want to say to you: "dear teacher, thank you! I th



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