Module 7 A famous story Unit 2 示范公开课教学PPT课件(外研版八年级上册).pptx

Module 7 A famous story Unit 2 示范公开课教学PPT课件(外研版八年级上册).pptx

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Module 7 A famous story;Look and say;pink adj. 粉红色的 n. 粉红色;There is no money in his pockets. 他的口袋里没有钱。 ;field n. 牧场; 田地;May I think about it for a moment? 我可以考虑一下吗? ;It’s a deep well. 这是口深井。;The pilot landed the airliner safely. 驾驶员使客机安全着陆。 ;The soil is too dry for planting. 土太干了,不能种东西。 ;Look at the picture in Activity 2 and say what you think is strange.;1) It is standing up on its back legs. Rabbits can only walk on four legs. 2) It is wearing clothes. Rabbits don’t wear clothes. 3) It is looking at a pocket watch. Rabbits don’t carry watches and can’t tell the time.;While-reading;;Read Para. 1 and fill in the blanks.;1. The white rabbit was looking at Alice. ( );1. What did Alice do? 2. What was the hole like?;Answer the questions. Use the words and expression in the box.;3. Where was the rabbit’s watch before he took it out? It was in his pocket. 4. What did Alice run across after the rabbit? She ran across a field. 5. What did she fall down? She fell down a deep hole. 6. Where did she land? She landed on some dry leaves. ; ;1. Once or twice she looked into her sister’s book. 她偶尔看一眼姐姐的书。 once or twice的意思是“偶尔,一两次”。 例如: She goes shopping once or twice a week. 她每周购物一两次。;2. “And what is a book for,” thought Alice, “without pictures or conversations?” “没有插图也没有对话的书有什么用?”爱丽丝想。 What … for? 表示“有什么用,为什么”。 例如: What are you going to Hangzhou for? 你去杭州做什么?;3. She heard the rabbit say, “Oh, dear! Oh, dear! I will be late!”… 她听到兔子说到:“天哪!天哪!我要迟到了!”…… hear sb. do sth. 意为“听见某人做了某事”或“听见某人经常 做某事”。 例如: We often hear him sing this song. 我们经常听到他唱这首歌。;辨析:hear sb. do sth. 与 hear sb. doing sth.;4. She found that she was falling down a very, very deep hole. 她发现她正在掉进一个非常非常深的洞里。 deep在此处作形容词,意为“(从顶部往下)深的”。还可以用于 引申义,如指声音“深沉??、颜色“深浓”、感情“深厚”、问题 “深奥”、性质或程度“深 (入)”等。 例如:What a deep river! 好深的一条河!


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