会计专业英文求职信范文 .docxVIP

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个人简历PERSONAL RESUME 个人简历 PERSONAL RESUME PAGE 1 PAGE 1 会计专业英文求职信范文   会计专业英文求职信【一】 Dear Sir / Miss:   Hello!   Thank you for your busy schedule to open this letter. I am a 2004 session of Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute of Professional Accounting is about to graduate from a university student, was informed that your organization recruit more capable personnel, I am attracted to, I hope your company can take the first step in my career.   Four years in college, I work hard hard, comprehensive and systematic study of the major accounting and management courses and books, and can be applied flexibly; At the same time, after school, I also actively engage in the financial aspects of the latest theories and laws and regulations, a systematic study a new accounting system, and constantly refresh and enrich their theoretical knowledge, a solid theoretical foundation of their own. And in practice, I mastered the Abacus, Accounting and Financial Statement Analysis accounting and other business under the new economic system of the accounting activities of a more comprehensive understanding. And obtained evidence of their qualification. While studying at the school had won a scholarship. I also use every opportunity to actively participate in social practice activities for the two companies have done market research, these social activities to develop and improve my overall quality and capacity. In addition, proficiency in computer operation and I can Office Series Office software, and UFIDA Kingdee mastered the financial software, through the National College of Computer II examination.. Competent accounting, marketing and management work.   The past does not mean that the future is the true meaning of hard work. For practical work, I believe that I can quickly adapt to working environment, familiar with the business, and in practical work, keep on learning and improving themselves, do their jobs. If the honor to be your staff, I will do the study, together with your company


简历,PPT,表格专业定制 + 关注

毕业于中南财经政法大学,十二年office学习经验。 微软MOS认证专家,曾予供销社、中国银行、国家电网等企事业单位定制财务模板与PPT模板。 头条百家数十万粉丝作者,WPS稻壳儿优秀设计师。


