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优秀英语作文初中 健康生活,从睡梦开始 Healthy life, start from his sleep 健康生活,从睡梦开始 A good night’s sleep is an indispensable part of your life. It can cure, refresh and restore your body. 睡个好觉是生活不可或缺的一部分。它可以治愈,刷新和恢复你的身体。 Breakfast like a king, lunch like a princess and dinner like a pauper. This saying has a deep and wise meaning. You should time your meals, because a full stomach can be the reason of insomnia. A light snack at bedtime can promote sleep, but too much food can cause digestive discomfort that leads to wakefulness. Moreover, you’d better forget about caffeine in the evenings. Any food or beverage that contains caffeine can disturb sleep, especially if you are sensitive to caffeine. 早餐像一个国王,午餐就像一个公主,晚餐就像一个乞丐。这句话有深度和智慧的含义。你应该安排你的吃饭时间,因为一个吃饱的胃可以是失眠的原因。睡前吃一点小点心可以促进睡眠,但过多的食物会引起消化不良导致失眠。此外,你最好忘记咖啡因在晚上。任何含有咖啡因的食物和饮料都可以干扰睡眠,特别是如果你对咖啡因敏感的话。 It is important to change your sleep cycle gradually in order to avoid stress and different sleep disorders. The most suitable way is to do it in 15-minute increments. If you have to wake up earlier, then try to fall asleep 15 minutes earlier each evening. It may be difficult to fall asleep at once, take some relaxing procedures like a bubble bath. I think a few nights will be enough to feel comfortable with the new schedule. 为了避免压力和不同的睡眠障碍重要的是要逐渐改变你的睡眠周期。最合适的方法是做15分钟的增量。如果你要早起,然后每天晚上尝试提前15分钟入睡。一开始你可能难以入睡,洗一个泡泡浴。我认为几个晚上足以感到新时间表的舒适。 People’s body is influenced by light and darkness. Doctors strongly recommend darkening the bedroom prior to sleep. The morning light will signify to your body that a new day is starting. Start from dimming the lights in the evening. Switch off laptops, TVs and other sources of light in your bedroom. These gadgets emit blue light, which like any light can cause wakefulness at night and disrupt the body’s natural inclination to sleep. Moreover, close your curtains and blinds at night, so you will be able to sleep calmly. 人们的身体受到光明与黑暗的影响。


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