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高二英语作文优秀例文 Nowadays, most companies are faced with a common problem that feeling hard to find permanent employees. Many of their employees will leave the company after a period of time. In my opinion, this phenomenon is a serious problem needs to be solved. But, we need to find out the causing reasons at first. 如今,大多数公司都面临着这样常见的一个问题,很难找到长期员工。很多员工待了一段时间后都会离开公司。在我看来,这是一个需要解决的严重问题。但是,我们首先需要找出其原因。 First of all, employees do not get what they want. For most employees, what they want are good salary and the chance to develop. For one thing, some companies can not offer enough treatment for their employees to match their pay on work. If they are not satisfied, they will leave one day for sure. For another, if employees can find another job, which has more opportunities for advancement, they will make their choice. After all, man struggles upwards; water flows downwards. 首先,员工没有得到他们想要的。对于大多数员工来说,他们需要的是高薪和发展的机会。一方面,一些公司无法满足员工在工作上的付出所应得的报酬。如果员工不满意,他们肯定有一天是会离开的。另一方面,如果员工可以找到另一份有更多发展机会的工作,他们也会做出自己的选择的。毕竟,人往高处走水往低处流。 Knowing the reason, it is not hard to solve this problem. The company should make some measures to balance their employees’ pay and gain according to their contribution for the company. In addition, picking up some excellent people to take a refresher course is also a good measure. But employees also should devote themselves to their job. 了解了原因,解决这个问题就不难了。公司应该根据员工对公司的贡献平衡其付出与收获。此外,挑选一些优秀人才去进修也是一个很好的方法。但是,员工也应该全身心的投入工作。 If both companies and employee can understand each other, both of them are able to find what they want easier. 如果公司和员工能够理解对方,他们就都可以更容易地找到他们想要的了。 In China, people treat the family as a very important union, families get together now and then, even the kids get married, they still treat their parents in the first place. So the family means so much to everyone, family has great influence on them. When the family gets on well, people can focus their mind to work, they don’t need to worry ab


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