冀教版(河北)八级上册英语作业:Unit Lesson  I Need a Map!.pptVIP

冀教版(河北)八级上册英语作业:Unit Lesson  I Need a Map!.ppt

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Unit 4 My Neighbourhood;2021/4/17;◆Im doing well.我一直做得好。 do well in意思是“在某方面很出色,擅长”,相当于be good at。 ◆I have to tell you that I had the flu.我不得不告诉你们我得了流感了。 have the flu意为“患流感”。 【拓展】have a cold得感冒 have a headache头痛 have a cough 咳嗽;◆This week, I got to know my neighbourhood.这星期,我逐渐了解了我的社区。 get to know与know 的区别:前者强调“从不认识到认识”;后者指“认识,了解,知道”。 ◆Across from the bookstore, theres a beautiful park.书店对面是个漂亮的公园。 across from意思是“在……对面”。 eg:They live across from us.他们住在我们对面。;◆Tomorrow Im going to buy a map of the city because I dont want to get lost again.明天我想要去买一张城市地图,因为我不想迷路。 get lost意为“迷路”。 【拓展】get on 上车(船等) get off 下车(船等) get up 起床 get down 下来 get to 到达                        ;一、选用方框里的词组并用其适当形式完成下列句子。 get lost,have the flu,go by,lots of fun,get to,across from, get to know,have to,show sb. the way,on ones way to 1.If you dont have a map,you may ________in a big city. 2.Luckily,a kind lady told me how ________the theatre. 3.Jack went to see the doctor,because he ___________. 4.You will _______a library when you come to my school. 5.Dont worry.You can ask the policeman.He will _________________.;6.We are going to have _________playing games in the park. 7.Jenny bought a new book from a bookstore _______________school. 8.Her mother is ill.She _______stay at home and look after her. 9.Walk along this street,and you will see the post office ____________the grocery store. 10.Yesterday was the first day of the new school year, and we ___________some new friends.;二、单项选择。 ( )1.How far is it ________ the school ________ the hospital? A.from; to B.on;to C.away; from D.between;and ( )2.The school is ________ the bookstore on the other side of the road. A.cross from B.across from C.across of D.from across ( )3.I need to buy a map ________ I dont know the way. A.so B.because C.but D.and;( )4.We ________ each other last week.(阿凡题 1074767) A.know B.got to know C.have got know D.have got to know ( )5.He is a good worker, so he does his work ________. A.well B.bad C.bad


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