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假期的英语作文初二 The day of the winter vacation, I and my uncle, aunt, Li Yiyang and mom is going to warm city to play. When you get there, as we are changing the clothes, and went in, I started to play with my sister, first came to the slide. Before I took my sister to slide, slide down her first, followed up with me, slide to the bottom, I took her up again, play with other slide, play enough, play the other toys. And I and sister to kayaking, struck the paddle, into a cave, secretly, inside a cave, surf was formed out of water vortex took my sister and I sucked in the past, we the OARS out of trouble, continue to cross, and we came to the end. Then we came to the swimming pool, fluttered in shallow place blind sister, I go swimming in a lane in a short while, surfing, I returned to the shallow water, and my sister together to play in the waves, the wave is more and more big, we have been promoted, want to hang in the air, quite good fun. I came to surf place, on a surfboard, suddenly rushed down, but because I was too light, it is by the water blunt go out, fell into the water, also pretty cool! My sister cant play. Bleep, bleep shrill alarm pierced my eardrum, zhou never points of promises in the is and I pulled down the back. I scratched his head and bowed their heads and scold to: damn junk antique clock, sooner or later one day throw you into the recycling bins Was in a low voice to scold that antique clock, head suddenly got a hard, mom could be seen standing on the bed, hands holding a hangers, shout loudly: oh, you hurry up, breakfast is cold. After breakfast, everyone go their separate ways, only I a person to stand your ground. Well, anyway, and happy to uncomfortable, my body is covered with a blanket, thought, open the host. Oh dear! Black screen, crash! Damn virus. Execute emergency quickly, not for a moment, the road team with a unique magic weapon to come, what rising, jinshan a bomb really, m


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