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1阅读短文,从括号中选择合适的词填空。 We always hear about strange, big patterns (图案) that show up in a field (1)__________ (anywhere / somewhere). What are they? Who makes them? It’s a crop circle (麦田圈). It often appears (出现) overnight in fields of grain (谷物). All of the circles (2)__________ (look / look at) strange. They are usually (3)__________ (as far as / as big as) a football field. Lots of crop circles appear (4)__________ (across / from) the world every year. They show up in many places in the world. Some believe crop circles are man-made, but a few others think (5)__________ (differently / different). Some patterns are (6)__________ (so / too) big for people to make. Every piece of crop lies smoothly(光滑地) and evenly (平坦地). Our hands can’t do that. So many people say that aliens (外星人) make the crop circles. Some people say that there are places with high energy. This can (7)__________ (change / chance) the way crops grow. That is where the (8)__________ (circles / energy) will be. The energy can be from a magnetic field (磁场), radiation (辐射) or sound. 2阅读短文,根据短文内容从下面的单词中选择合适的词语并用其正确形式填空。 price, money, cry, hear, drive, spend All the kids in my neighborhood (居民区) waited for one thing on summer evenings: the Ice Cream Truck. When we (1)__________ the song The Piano Man from the truck’s loudspeaker (喇叭), kids up and down the street would (2)__________: “The Ice Cream Truck is coming!” If the Ice Cream Man didn’t see any kids, he would (3)__________ away. So we’d run quickly to our moms for dollars and coins. We also asked younger brothers and sisters to stop the truck while we got our (4)__________. The truck was white and square (正方形的). The pictures on its side showed the ice cream bars and their (5)__________: “Superman bar $1.50; Choco Taco $1.00; Creamsicle $0.75”. For most US kids, ice cream is the first thing we (6)__________ our money on. It is our first understanding of the value (价值) of a dollar and our first real love. 3 In April, you can take an exciting jour


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