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关于中长篇英文笑话故事 民间笑话是一种颇受人们喜爱的民间叙事类型,材料丰富,有广泛的现实基础。但是它却一直被学界视为不登大雅之堂的小众,研究工作相对薄弱。本文是,希望对大家有帮助! One day, an extremely rich business man decides that the time has come to indulge himself. He has been working hard and making money all his life, and he rarely spends any of it on himself. So he goes out and buys the worlds fastest commercial vehicle: the all-custom 2001 ChevroletZoom. This puppy can hit 350 mph on a straightaway and has all the trimmings. Leather, CD, Sunroof, GPS, everything. It cost him a cool $3 million. He decides to take it for an afternoon spin. Hes just cruising around town with one arm out the window, having the time of his life, when he gets to a red light. He pulls up next to an old guy on a little moped who is already waiting at the light. Now THATS a car, the old guy says with awe. What on earth did that cost you? Three million, the rich guy proclaimed. And that was a steal. This here is the worlds fastest commercial vehicle. Youre kidding! the old guy scoffed. How fast? 350. The old guys jaw dropped. Hey, do you mind if I take a look around inside real quick? Not at all, the rich guy said. The old guy leans way over and sticks his head in the window. After looking around for a few seconds, he sits back down on his moped. Thats a fine car, he said, nodding his head. Just then, the stoplight turned to green, and the rich guy decided to show this old man what his car is really capable of. He floors it out of the intersection, and in a few seconds he is happily cruising along at 350 mph. He happens to glance in his rearview mirror, and notices to his dismay a speck on the horizon that seems to be getting closer. Sure enough, the speck comes closer and closer untilWHOOSH! it passes him. The rich guy just cant figure out whats going on here, so he pulls over. He sees the speck again on the horizon in front of him coming back towards him, and sure enough, WHOOSH! it passes him again. This time, thoug


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