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第 PAGE " 页 码" 页 码 页 / 总共 NUMPAGES " 总页数" 总页数 页 果实用英语怎么说   果实是被子植物的雌蕊经过传粉受精,由子房或花的其他部分参与发育而成的器官。那么你知道果实用英语怎么说吗?下面我为大家带来果实的英语说法,供大家参考学习。   果实的英语说法1:   fruit   果实的英语说法2:   fruitage   果实相关英语表达:   果实测压计 fruit penetrometer;   果实成熟期 fructescence;   果实催色 degreening;   果实催熟 accelerating ripening of fruit;   果实含糖量 sugar content of fruit;   果实品质 fruit quality;   果实的英语例句:   1. The caterpillars tunnel into the fruit to grow and mature.   毛虫钻入果实,并在其中生长为成虫。   2. The fruit is rather like a sweet chestnut.   这种果实颇似甜栗子。   3. Some plants will not seed in a cold climate.   有些植物在寒冷的气候条件下不能结果实.   4. When the fruits are ripe, they fall from the trees.   当果实成熟时, 它们从树上落下.   5. The apple tree was bowed down with the weight of its fruit.   那棵苹果树果实累累,压弯了树枝.   6. The birds have stripped all the fruit from the bushes!   小鸟把树丛中的果实都叼走了.   7. The fruit is so thick that it weighs down the branches.   树上果实累累,压得树枝都弯下来了.   8. The apple - blossom hasn't [ The apples haven't ] set well this year.   苹果花 [ 树 ] 今年尚未结好果实.   9. The bushes were laden with fruit.   灌木丛里果实累累.   10. My orchard is bearing well this year.   今年我的果园果实累累.   11. The tomato is technically a fruit.   从专业上讲,番茄是一种果实.   12. These trees are fruitful.   这些树果实累累.   13. The branches bent low with ripened fruits.   成熟的果实压弯了树枝.   14. The trees are overburdened with fruit.   树上果实累累,压得树枝都弯了.   15. The scientists will study the variety of trees and observe which are fruiting.   科学家将研究各种树木,并观察哪些会结果实。


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