新外研版八下M7U2Fill out our form and come to learn English in Los Angeles! (13).ppt

新外研版八下M7U2Fill out our form and come to learn English in Los Angeles! (13).ppt

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Teacher will show you the first paragraph. (Study Chinese with us) Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Teaching Places to stay Free time More information Join the two sentnces with and, but, or Betty and Amy are going to learn Chinese in Tianjin. Can you give them some information about it? 阅读其实一点都不难 只要掌握几个关键 首先要确定主题分析全面 点亮我阅读的火 火火火火 找出细节要仔细一点 推理应该联系上下文 词意的猜测啊增强信心 遵循步骤就有杰作 ____ ____ ____ ________ 1. We passed the English test ____ the same time. A. at B. on C. for D. in 2. I can’t decide whether to go mountain climbing. It depends _____ the weather. A. for B. with C. at D. on A D 3. We form a close ___ with each other at last. culture B. test C. form D. friendship 4. Please ______ out the form before you stay in the hotel. fill B. depend C. last D. prefer A D 1. Bring these flowers into a warm room _____ they will soon open. 【2013山东泰安】 A. or B. and C. but D. for 2. Claude didn’t do much homework, _______ he still passed the exam. 【2013山东日照】 A. for B. or C. and D. but B D 3. Don’t meet a “Internal friend” alone, _____ something dangerous may happen to you. 【2013山东青岛】 A. but B. and C. or D. yet 4. David, get up early, ______ you’ll catch the early bus. 【2013徐州】 A. but B. and C. after D. or C B Finish writing a composition about learning Chinese in Tianjin by yourselves. 2022年公开课获奖课件 展播 教育部审定新版教材配套专用 人教部编版监制 本套课件简介 本课件是全国公开课大赛的获奖作品,是从2021年教育部主办的“师育杯”公开课大赛的一等奖获奖作品中,精选而来。 本课件紧贴学科核心素养,与当下最新、最前沿理论息息相关。每节课都是精品,是经过评委认真审定后,精选出来的最优作品。 Do you like learning English? Unit 2 Fill out our form and come to learn English in Los Angeles! Do you want to learn English in foreign countries? Would you like to stay as a guest with an American family? I went to Bufflo to teach English several years



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