03四级词汇2017 6真题词汇串讲三四级3.ppt

03四级词汇2017 6真题词汇串讲三四级3.ppt

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Still仍然, 60% of drivers would like to get some kind of self-driving feature, such as automatic braking or self-parking自动泊车, the next time they buy a new car. The attitudes are published in a new AAA survey调查 of 1, 800 drivers. Advocates拥护者;提倡者 of self-driving cars argue they would be safer than in cars driven by humans because they wouldnt get distracted or drive when tired. But those surveyed by AAA say they trust their own driving skills. Many feel the technology is too new and unproven未经证实的. John Nielsen, AAAs managing director〔大公司或大机构的〕总经理,总裁 of automotive汽车的 engineering and repair, said tests suggest drivers may be overestimating高估 their own abilities. 新闻2: 3. A) Thefts偷窃 of snowmobile雪地机动车,摩托雪橇 dogs in Alaska. B) A series of一系列的;一连串的 injuries to snowmobile drivers. C) Attacks on some Iditarod艾迪塔罗德(美国城市)Race赛跑;赛车;速度比赛competitors参赛者;竞争对手. 艾迪塔罗德狗拉雪橇比赛(Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race),参赛每队有橇夫一名,狗十六条,从安克雷奇附近的Willow出发,拖滑雪橇到诺姆,赛程一千一百六十一英里(1868千米),须时八至十五天。赛事始办于1973年, 原旨在考验一等的橇夫和狗队,发展经年,演变成竞争激烈的比赛。 One dog has been killed and multiple多的;多种的 dogs have been injured by a snowmobile driver in what appears to be an intentional attack蓄意攻击 on competitors in the Iditarod Race in Alaska. multilingual多语的;multidirectional多方向的;multiply乘;繁殖;multiform多种多样的;multicultural多种文化的;multimedia多媒体;multitude多数;群众 A snowmobile driver had repeatedly attempted to harm her and her team, and one of Zirkles dogs had received a non-life-threatening无生命危险的 injury. Alaska State Troopers released a statement发表了一份声明 saying theyve arrested逮捕 Arnold Demoski, 26. He faces trial on several charges面临多项指控. 新闻3: 5. A) It sank下沉;沉没 into the sea due to overloading超负荷;过载. (sink;load负载;装载;upload;download) B) It ran into 跑进;撞上;偶遇 Nicaragua尼加拉瓜s Big Corn Island. D) It turned over 翻转 because of strong winds. 7. A) He has helped with the rescue营救(“来施救”) effort. C) He was drowned溺死;淹没;盖过 with the passengers. 来自drench“湿透”,词义进一步恶化,“淹死”。 A tour boat游览船 turned over off the coast of Nicaragua, kill


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