外研版必修版高考英语大一轮复习核心素养测评十一ModuleNewspapersandMagazines .docVIP

外研版必修版高考英语大一轮复习核心素养测评十一ModuleNewspapersandMagazines .doc

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精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 核心素养测评十一 Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines Ⅰ. 阅读理解 A It’s 50 years since man first stepped on the moon, and we’re still harboring dreams of escaping life on Earth for the mysteries of space.   Californian company the Gateway Foundation has released plans for the Von Braun Station, a hotel floating among the stars. The aim is to get the hotel off the ground by 2025 and make it fully operational for travel by 2027.   Tim Alatorre, senior design architect at the Gateway Foundation, says the spinning wheel would create a gravity. “The station is designed to rotate, pushing the contents of the station out to the sides of the station, much in the way that you can spin a bucket of water—the water pushes out into the bucket and stays in place, ” he tells CNN Travel.   The Gateway Foundation’s hotel design is named after Wernher Von Braun, an aerospace engineer who pioneered rocket technology, first in Germany and later in the United States.   Space tourism is an expensive game—Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic plans to launch passengers into sub-orbital space at the sum of $250, 000 per person, per trip. Meanwhile, Aurora Station says a stay in its space hotel will cost an eyewatering $9. 5 million. Aurora Station aims to sleep just 12, whereas the Von Braun Station will sleep 352 people with a maximum capacity of 450.   On board, there’ll be warm suites with carpets and stylish monochrome touches and chic bars that wouldn’t look out of place back on Earth, just with star-gazing views. There will also be plenty of fun recreational activities for guest to enjoy, says Alatorre.   “But our goal—the main goal of the Gateway Foundation—is to create a starship culture where people are going to space, and living in space, and working in space and they want to be in space. And we believe that there’s a demand for that. ” The Gateway Foundation also intends the space station to be used for research purposes, a


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