人力资源管理专业 素质冰山模型下服务型企业基层员工的招聘管理—以广东碧桂园物业服务公司为例.docx

人力资源管理专业 素质冰山模型下服务型企业基层员工的招聘管理—以广东碧桂园物业服务公司为例.docx

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PAGE II 素质冰山模型下服务型企业基层员工的招聘管理 —以广东碧桂园物业服务公司为例 内 容 摘 要 知识经济时代,企业如何在日趋激烈的市场竞争中谋求一方天地,归根到底在于企业的核心推动力——人才。人才是企业发展和生存的关键,如何寻求、招募到优秀的人才为企业发展接续源源不断的核心竞争力,是当今社会,每一家企业需要思考的问题。一个优秀的企业,不仅应重视高级人才、核心骨干的招聘与培养,基层员工的招聘与培养也日益成为企业发展做大做好的重中之重。基层员工队伍毫无疑问是企业发展壮大的坚强基础,对于服务型企业来说,更是如是。随着近几年服务行业的快速发展,服务行业也呈现出了招工,用工难的问题,服务行业基层员工需求较大,企业一直处于基层员工招聘状态。 本文主要就服务领域内的物业服务为对象,探讨我国服务行业基层员工招聘与配置问题。文章结合BGY物业公司招聘管理有关数据,采用理论研究和实际研究相结合的方法,对BGY物业公司基层员工招聘工作中存在的问题及形成原因进行调查分析。运用职能分析法、逻辑推导法对BGY物业公司基层服务岗建立素质冰山模型,以主要基层服务岗为导向,对BGY物业公司的基层服务岗招聘提出改进建议。再对改进的必要性和可行性上进行分析,得出当下我国服务行业基层员工招聘管理过程中存在的问题以及改进建议。 关键词:招聘管理;服务行业;素质冰山模型;物业服务 Recruitment and allocation of grass-roots staff in service enterprises under the quality iceberg model Abstract In the era of knowledge economy, the core driving force of an enterprise -- talent is how to seek a world in the increasingly fierce market competition. Talent is the key to the development and survival of an enterprise. How to seek and recruit excellent talents for the continuous development of an enterprises core competitiveness is a problem that every enterprise needs to think about in todays society. An excellent enterprise should not only pay attention to the recruitment and training of senior talents and core cadres, but also the recruitment and training of grassroots employees has increasingly become the top priority in the development of enterprises. There is no doubt that the grass-roots staff is a strong foundation for the development of enterprises, especially for service-oriented enterprises. With the rapid development of the service industry in recent years, the service industry has also presented the problem of recruitment and employment difficulties. There is a large demand for grassroots employees in the service industry, and the enterprise has been in the state of recruitment of grassroots employee In this paper, the object of the property service in the service field is to discuss the recruitment and allocation of grass-roots staff in Chinas service industry. B


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