
2021年农村南京航空航天大学单招模拟题 含解析.docxVIP

2021年农村南京航空航天大学单招模拟题 含解析.docx

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2021年农村南京航空航天大学单招模拟题 含解析 2021年农村南京航空航天大学单招模拟题lpar;含解析rpar; 2021年农村单招 考试模拟题 (含解析) 本农村南京航空航天大学单招考试模拟题,内容来自于相关网站和学校提供。内容属于我们广大即将参加单招考试的同学们。祝所有同学都能顺利通过单招考上理想大学! 南京航空航天大学单招 2021农村单招 2021年南京航空航天大学单招模拟题 (考试时间:90分钟 满分:100分) 选择题(每题4分,共100分): 第1题:下列词语中,有一个错别字的一组是( ) A.无耻滥言 流览一遍 漫山遍野 怙恶不悛B.括不知耻 气喘嘘嘘 化学反映 抛地有声C.记忆尤新 莫衷一是 缀句成文 专程谒见D.惴惴不安 敷衍塞责 招摇撞骗 苦心孤诣 【正确答案】C 讲解:A无耻谰言 浏览一遍 B恬不知耻 气喘吁吁 化学反应 掷地有声 C记忆犹新 第2题: Passgae B Barbaras daughters were three and five years old when their pet dog died. The dog Sammy lived to be twelve years old. The girls had never known life without Sammy. He had been in the childless family before they were born. He welcomed them with dog kisses. They played with him every day. So when Sammy died, the children missed him every day. They kept asking questions about why he left and why he was no longer with them. Barbara looked for a book that would help her daughters deal with their deep sadness, but unable to find one. Yes, there were books about dealing with the death of a pet. But she could not find one that dealt with death honestly at a childs level. She started writing a book herself. For six years Barbara worked on her book. She read her words to people. They cried and they loved the book. But publishing companies did not want to publish her book. They felt it was too sad, too real, and people would not buy it. At last one company accepted the book. Sammy in the Sky is reprinted for the third time. Tens of thousands of copies have been sold. People read the book to their children when their dogs die. People buy it in memory of their dogs. It helps children ― and even adults ― deal with the loss of a pet or even a person whom they love.How old was Sammy when he died? A. Three. B. Five. C. Eight. D. Twelve. 【正确答案】D 讲解:The dog Sammy lived to be twelve years old.选D 第3题:下列句子中标点符号使用不当的一项是( ) A.苏轼用“清风徐来,水波不兴”、“白露横江,水光接天”



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