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;;国际饮料市场 International Beverage Market;国际碳酸饮料市场 - 150亿标箱 International CSD industry-17B cases 百事国际 - 27 亿标箱,PCI: 2.7B cases 占碳酸饮料市场的18% 传统口味的碳酸饮料远比减肥型的受欢迎 regular CSDs are far more popular than diet 碳酸饮料市场的三大种类 - 可乐味, 果味, 柠檬-酸橙Three biggest segments of CSD industry -Cola, Orange, Lemon-lime;1898 年, 诞 生 于 美 国 北 卡 罗 来 那 州, 至 今 已 有 100 多年 历 史 Pepsi began in the summer of 1898 in New Bern, North Carolina, USA. 今天, 百事可乐已遍布全世界150个国家, 且名列美国食品行业之首. Today, Pepsi is available in over 150 countries world wide and is the #1 food product in the USA. 百事可乐的品牌定位: 选择百事可乐使我能从生活中得到最多享受, 因为他能满足我 对口味 的渴望, 它是我独立自主, 自我表现的体验. Brand positioning: Choosing Pepsi Empowers me to get the most out of my life now by satisfying my craving for the unique Pepsi taste hit and is a demonstration of my independence and self-expression. 百事可乐的目标消费群: 15-21岁年轻人 target consumer: the younger aged 15- 21 百事可乐的品牌个性: 有魅力的, 好动的, 社交的, 积极的 brand personality: progressive, active, image-conscious and energetic 足球和音乐是百事的品牌基础 soccer and music is the brand foundation of Pepsi;七 喜 7 up ;美 年 达 Mirinda;包装 Packaging;每种包装都有其优点Each package has unique benefits;中 国 区 包 装 组 合 CBU Packaging Mixing; ;1.25 升 ;355 ml 罐;玻瓶产品 Returnable Bottle ( 192ml, 200ml, 250 ml , 355ml);600 ml 瓶;百 事 系 列 产 品 规 格 表 Fact Sheet;示范表格 , 仅供参考 请根据当地情况 , 更新价格 Illustrative Only Bottler / MU to localize or update data;消费者 Consumers 客户Customers 竞争对手 Competitors 公司 Company;你将与一位在职的客户代表一起拜访客户。期间,你可以向他/她询问有关品牌和包 装的问题。他会向你证明如何运用这些知识,向客户推销我们的产品的。 You will be riding with a current Customer Representative. As you spend the day with this experienced sales person, ask him/her questions about the brands and packages that we sell. He will demonstrate how his knowledge of our brands and packages helps him make a successful call on our customers. 结束拜访时,你应能够回答下列问题: At the end of the day you should be able to answer the following questions: .我们推销哪些品牌? What brands do we sell? .我们推销哪些包装? What packages do we sell? .我们的品牌与竞争对手比较起来如何? How do our brands c


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