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涉外企业管理 1. 中国服饰文化指的是中国的汉族和各个少数名族的传统服饰文化。 Chinese costume culture refers to the traditional culture of costumes of the HanNationality and the other minorities. 中国是一个有56个民族的国家。 Chinese is a country of 56 ethnic nationalities. 受到民族文化、传统和地理特征的影响,各民族服饰风格各不相同。 Every nationality has its own clothing style with distinct characteristics due to the influence of culture ,tradition and geographical features. 另一方面,中国服饰文化是名族互相渗透及影响而生成的。 On the other hand, they have influenced and learned from eath other in the way of dressing.服饰式样是各民族的重要标志。 The style of the costume is the symbol of the ethnic nationality. 各民族服饰的变化显示了其经济生活、宗教信仰、审美意识(aestheitc consciousness )和风俗习惯的发展。 The change of their costume shows the development of their economic life,religious belief,aesthetic consciousness and customs. 中国少数民族服饰绚丽多彩、精美绝伦、各具特色。 The customs of Chinese minorities are colorful,exquisite and highly distinctive. 它们是各民族优秀历史文化的重要组成部分。 They play an important part in the excellent history and culture of the ethnic groups. 2、 提到中国文化就不能不提到中国饮食。 It is impossible to mention Chinese culture without mentioning Chinese food . 中国的美味佳肴很丰富,种类繁多,来自中国56个民族和广大地区。 Chinese dishes are rich and varied ,coming from (originating from) China’s 56 ethnic nationalities and vast territory. 在中国北方,人们最喜欢吃的美食(delicious )是饺子,那儿的人们都是在除夕和新年第一天的早饭吃饺子。 In north China,dumplings are the favorite delicious of people.In north China,dumplings are the favorite delicious of people.People there always eat dumplings on New Year’s Eve and for breakfast on the New Year’s day. 而把饺子当作春节特别食物开始于大约500年前的明朝。 The custom of eating dumplings as a special dish during spring festival stated in Ming Dynasty about 500 years ago. 原因很简单,饺子的外形看起来像中国古代使用的钱币。 The reason is very simple,that is the shape of the dumplings look like the money used in ancient China. 因为春节意味着新的一年的开始,人们选择吃饺子来表示自己期望(connote )来年财运亨通。 Since the spring festival marks the start of a new


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