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施工项目成本控制方法 1 to promot e the development, is t he key to pr omoti ng the rul e of law. The law may affect the efficie ncy of out of the path of development will be more sm ooth, won devel opme nt gains will be sustai ned, and end with greater efficie ncy. Lea ding cadre s at all levels should take t he lea d in respect of law law, abi de by, a nd a ctively foster S ociali st cult ure, a ctively prom oting the field of multi-level gover nance a ccording t o law, gui de the masses a nd consciously abi de by t he law, failing t o find law, solve t he pr oblem by law, in a ccorda nce with the la w prevail. XXX a dministrati on by law of leading cadres do not exist on the r ule of law, la w enfor cement, casual, a nd vow not t o invest ors, the new scores a nd ot her turmoil. The se important expositions on my distri ct create g ood devel opme nt envir onme nt with hig hly targeted a nd g uida nce, especially t he Ge neral Se cretary poi nted out that the cha os in my area al so exist s to varying degrees, some eve n quite seri ous. Lea ding cadre s at all levels m ust improve the devel opment e nvironment of rule of law as a fundame ntal task, a dhere t o the probl em orie nted, solid a nd solve t he pr oblems i n the constru ction of rule of law, to rule t he ne w effect for devel opme nt environment impr ovement s. To hol d key minority. Le aders of this group, a lthough few in number, but the effect is critical. If a local l eader s take the lea d right a ccordi ng to law, i n accordance with the law, the l oca l CPPCC fresh, pragmatic and efficient development e nvironment. Conversely, if a local lea ders of ignoring t he law, impunity, not only the politi cal envir onme nt will be destr oyed, will have serious impli cations for the devel opme nt envir onment. Now, some leadi ng


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