牛津译林版八级英语上Unit3 reading 2课件(共16张PPT).pptVIP

牛津译林版八级英语上Unit3 reading 2课件(共16张PPT).ppt

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Unit3 Reading (II) ;1我在这里挺好。 I’m doing fine here. 2 他邀请我加入他们去世界公园的学校旅行。 He invited me to join their school trip to the World Trip. 3 我玩得很愉快。 I enjoyed myself. 4 太阳在明亮的蓝天上照耀着。 The sun was shining in a clear blue sky. 5 乘车去那花费我们约两小时。 It took us about two hours to get there by bus.;6 路上有许多车辆,旅途有点无聊。 There was a lot of traffic on the way and the journey was a little boring. 7 我们最后到达了公园。 We finally arrived at the park. 8 我们所有人都迫不及待下了车。 All of us couldn’t wait to get off the bus. 9 有来自世界各地一百多个名胜古迹的模型。 There are models of more than a hundred places of interest from all over the world. 10模型埃菲尔铁塔由钢铁制造且真地高。 The model Eiffel Tower is made of steel and is really tall.;11 金门大桥模型看起来跟家乡的那个一样伟大。 The model Golden Gate Bridge looked as great as the one back home. 12 我不能相信我的眼睛。 I couldn’t believe my eyes. 13 你自己去看看! Go and see for yourself! 14 整个世界就在我们面前! The whole world was there in front of us! 15 在一天之内看到世界上的主要景点是令人惊叹的。 It was amazing to see the main sights of the world in just one day. 16我们了解了许多不同文化。 We learned a lot about different cultures .;17 世界公园很远。 The World Park is quite far away. 19 你能在网络上看到这次旅行的一些照片。 You can see some photos of the trip on the Internet.;F;enjoyed herself;invite me to the World Park get there by bus a little boring can’t wait from all over the world be made of steel as great as the song and dance shows;☆1. I’m doing fine here. 句中的fine用作副词,意思是“够好‘挺不错”,常用于口语中。如,事事顺利。Things _______ _________ _________. ☆2。He invited me to join their school trip to the World Trip. 此处的邀请是动词, “邀请某人做某事”译作__________________; 邀请某人参加一个聚会___________________; 邀请某人晚宴_______________________; 它的名词是______________________, 如,一封邀请信_______________________; ;☆4. We finally arrived at the park. 1 “到达某地”有三种译法:_____________;___________: _________+大地点/_______+小地点; 2 但home\here\there前不加介词,“到家/到这/到那”译为 _________________________________________ 3 如动词后无地点,只能用arrive,例:你何时到的?When did you _________? ☆5. All of us couldn’t wait to get off the bus. 1“迫不及待做某事”译为______________________; “迫不及待某事”译为______


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