牛津译林版八级下Unit6 task课 件(共28张PPT.ppt

牛津译林版八级下Unit6 task课 件(共28张PPT.ppt

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2021/6/20 假如你是班长夏丹,请根据表格中的提示,写一篇80词左右的倡议书,号召同学们捐钱,捐物,奉献爱心,传播正能量。要求语句通顺,语法正确,可适当发挥。 Introduction 刘丽 Main body 地震幸存者,失去父母,家园,学校,不名一文。腿部严重受伤,需要手术,很重要,否则,失去双腿。捐出零花钱,食物,衣服和药品。利用课余时间多关心照顾,帮忙补习功课。 Conclusion …… While -writing Make a writing structure Work in groups of four. Discuss and choose your topic first . Then make a writing structure on the worksheet, the group leader will write the structure. 四人小组合作。首先讨论决定要写的话题,然后由组长执笔大家共同在学案上制定出写作结构,准备展示。 Write a letter about your topic in groups of four. Each of the three students writes a paragraph of the main body. The other one writes the introduction and the conclusion .The classmate also puts them together and makes it a whole one. 四人合作完成文章,三位同学每人写一段(what information, what help, how to help),来完成Main body 另一位同学写Introduction和Conclusion,这位同学也整合文章,使它变成一封完整的信。 Make a whole one Task: Giving a helping hand Learning aims 知识目标:掌握本课出现的新单词和有用的表达。 能力目标:学会设计写作提纲,完成一封寻求他人帮助的书信。 情感目标:培养学生乐于助人的精神。 Have you helped others? What did you do? Warm up survivors of disasters n. 幸存者 Pre-writing children without families people with a serious disease n. 疾病 operation n. 手术 a blood disease donate … to … How can you help? Give food and clothes Donate money to Take care of Cross the road Volunteer for more confident Give our seats to Be patient to Plant more trees Work ____________ deaf people ____________ in spring ____________the elderly on the bus ____________ to the homeless people _____________the charities _____________the lost pet ____________ the Special Olympics World Games _____________ in a mountain area Help the blind people _____________ Make the disabled feel ____________ Be patient to Plant more trees Give our seats to Give food and clothes Donate money to Take care of Volunteer for Work cross the road more confident Introduction Who needs help? Main body Information about the person or group in need What kind of help do they need? How can we help? Conclusion Thanks for help n. 引


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