新人教版高中英语选修10课件Unit2 Using language(共41张PPT.ppt

新人教版高中英语选修10课件Unit2 Using language(共41张PPT.ppt

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Using Language;Words; ;1. In Part 2 of the play, King Lear asks the Duke of Burgundy and the King of France whether they still want to marry Cordelia. What do you think the two men will say?;Listen to the tape to check your predictions with your partners. ; ;Burgundy says he cannot marry her after all.;France asks Lear what Cordelia has done to turn him against her. Cordelia explains she has done nothing bad, just hasn’t found the words to tell her father how much she loves him.;France decides to marry Cordelia even without her part of the kingdom.;Listen again and discuss these questions in your group. There are no right or wrong answers. ;3 How do Goneril and Regan act towards their sister after the king has left? What does this tell you about the character of the two elder sisters?;4 What do you think will happen next? ;Listening text ;L: Ah, come here Burgundy. I have something to tell you. I no longer care for my daughter and she is to leave my castle a poor woman. She will have none of my riches when she marries you.;B: That was not our agreement, sir. L: Well, it is now. B: I am sorry but I cannot marry her under these circumstances. L: Fine, then don’t. And you, France. Are you willing to marry this daughter whom I hate?;F: I don’t understand. Yesterday Cordelia was your favorite. She was the child of your old age, the best, the dearest of your daughters. She must have done something most terrible to turn you against her. ;C: Your Majesty. I have committed no murder or any other dishonorable act. It is simply that I could not find the words to tell my father how much I love him. L: It would have been better if you had never been born than you had displeased me so much.;F: Is this her only fault? Why, then I shall marry her and take her to France where she will be my queen. L: Take her, for she is no daughter of e Burgundy. I do not want to look any longer at her face.;N: The King and Burgundy leave together with the Dukes


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